Sunday, September 28, 2008

Boston Trip / ボストン旅行

09-23-08 - 09-26-08

My trip in Boston for 4 days were such a fun trip. It was the first trip to Boston, and didn't know much about the city at the beginning however, I learned a bit before I took this trip, and learned more by absorbing the city. And thanks to my friend, Arndt even though he was super busy for work, he took some time to take me around. He even took me to Rhode Ialand too. That made such a memorable trip.

Boston is already getting ready to be in Autumn season, and that was something that you can't enjoy in Los Angeles. The leafs were getting red, and the air was getting crispier. I love this type of weather. I guess I was very lucky and the weather report was wrong for first 3 days.
Except the last day, Boston city stayed very fine for me.
My mission: to have a New England Clam Chowder, and lobster roll, and to see MIT University, and Harvard University were accomplished too. :)

The city was well-built for public transportation, and easy to walk around. So I didn't have any problem to get around. It was
full of history and such a beautiful city. Why didn't I think of moving to Boston seriously back in the college time? Just because I was advised that it would be very expensive up there, I simply gave up without researching more...

Thanks so much, Arndt. I hope you weren't too tired to take me around... and got your work done too. :) Have a good trip to Tanzania and I will see you again in Germany, Arndt!

アントは月曜日にアメリカでの仕事を終え、火曜日から1ヶ月間アフリカはタンザニアへ行き、キリマンジャロの山でキャンプするそうです。その後、ドイツで血液や血管についての研究を再スタートするみたい。がんばれ〜〜〜! またドイツで会いましょう。

My Boston Trip Pics - Flickr / ボストン旅行の写真集 ーフリッカー

1st day: My friend, Arndt. He took me to a diner in Worcester.
He is one of the smartest guys I know. But as we talk more, I find him he is a old fashion type of guy when it comes to internet... hehe
j/k, Arndt! ;P But as I talk with him more, I learned a lot more about many things to value. :)


1st day: Dr. Arndt was trying to show me a heart beat of Zebra fish babies. Those babies were so tiny and its body was crystal clear. But I still saw its heart beat through Microscope. That was amazing.


1st day:As I arrived in Boston, on same night, we went to see the Presets and Cut Copy show at Paradise Rock Club in Boston. I danced like a crazy with those 18 yrs old kids and had a lot of fun! I hope Arndt did too... 

1日目:ボストンに着いた同じ日の夜にthe PresetsとCut Copyのショーを観に行きました。周りの子達が超若い!でもそいつらと交わって私はクレイジーに踊ってましたww アントも楽しんでたかねー...。

The Presets - "My People"

Cut Cupy "Lights and Music"

2nd day:Look! See! Autumn has arrived in Boston! Nice!

2nd day:So tall German Arndt, and little tiny Japanese, Yuko....

Haha, my Clam Chowder!!

2nd day:Pretty sunset Sachuest Beach, Rhode Island.

3rd day:This is the Lobster Roll!! YUM!!!!! Thanks to Akiko. If she didn't tell me,
I wouldn't know...

最近のお気に入り、Indian Pale Aleのビールと一緒に。うふ。

3rd day:Some Saints Collection at someone's apt.

3rd day:At the last night of Worcester - Boston at the Dive Bar in Worcester.

3rd day:with Arndt and his co-workers. From left, Aaron, Jacques, and Arndt. They were super cool guys, and easy to talk to.
They had fun with my blog name "Furry Lunchbox".... LOL


4th day:Last day of Boston... raining.... but it's kind a nice.

4th day:at Chicago O'hare Airport. I had to wait like an hour to go back to Los Angeles. I was pretty tired... but this sculpture on ceiling by Michael Hayden was pretty cool. It changes its color by the sound.


4th day: Richard Gere picked me up at LAX airport even though it was soo late (12:30AM...) with his BIG smile! :) (with new Abraham Lincoln gothie style. haha)

4日目: えびちゃんがLAXの空港まで迎えに来てくれました!優しい笑顔でのお迎え、超癒されるわ〜。ふふ。


Unknown said...

yuko san! えりなだよ!ボストン楽しかったみたいだね~~~!いいなあ~!一度は訪れてみたい場所のひとつだよぉ~。my richard gere ってのウケルww彼、優しいね~~~。飛行機遅れてたのにも関わらず、ナイス!そうそう、わたしも最近、blogger 始めたのー。リストに加えておいてちょ。ゆうこさんと同じでなるべく英語と日本語で書くようにしよーと思ってるんだよ。よろしくねー☆

Anonymous said...

お帰り!どれも超良い感じな写真。これどれもゆうこちゃんが撮ったの???? 素敵!


あと、えびちゃんってwho is he??? your new date??

Furry Lunchbox said...

