I have been thinking about going to learn tea ceremony how it's done for a pretty long time. But I just didn't have a time, and didn't know where to go. When I've finally found that a friend of mine is going to a Buddhism Temple in Los Angeles, I told her I was soooo interested although it took a while to make myself be at the temple.
Finally, seriously "real" finally, I was there to learn the spirit of "Tea Ceremony".
I thought this is just a learning experience of "technique" how to serve traditional tea. HOWEVER, it was more than that. I should be shamed of myself not to know about my own culture, but it was kind of eye-opener for myself. Of course, I learned about a little of technique how to be served, how to drink, and how to appreciate tea. I haven't registered yet, so I just watched but the instructor let me join to the guest group.
But what I learned yesterday also was how to "appreciate". The instructor told us "treat an object/person with an appreciation like this might be the last time to see it/the person". This is called in Japanese "Ichigo-ichie".
This is very famous terminology from the master of tea. I always "think" I do appreciate towards to the object/person, but also my ego bothers myself, and forget to appreciate. This thought also belongs to the Buddhism thought. Somehow lately I've gotten to be little spiritual this week. This is a good thing. :)
小さなお茶をすくう竹のスプーン(名前なんだっけ、、、)を見るときに習う「どなたがどのような気持ちで作ったか」「この人のテクニックは」, お茶だけでなくまわりの四季にまつわる掛け軸、お花への興味などなど、自分が期待していたレベルを遥かに上回る経験をさせて頂きました。これは思ったより収穫が大きくてこの日は自分の心が豊になったような気がします。最近、スピリチャルになれる人に会うチャンスが多く、これは自分に今必要としているエネルギーなのでは、と思い始めています。