Friday, June 18, 2010

Fitz and the Tantrums / Music for Animals

I like their flyer (Fitz and the Tantrums). かっこいいな〜。

FITZ & The Tantrums "Breakin' The CHains Of Love" Live Performance


I've been wanting to see Fitz and the Tantrums since I got to know them from the mail magazine of the Spaceland and they've been introduced and played a few times on KCRW radio in past. But I was just assuming I was the only one wanted to check them out and debating myself should I go or not.. After debating to myself, and when I was kind of giving up, a very good friend of mine asked me if I wanted to see Music for Animals who are friends with her and her bf, and they were the opening band for Fitz and Tantrums. It was a quite good surprised. :)

Fitz and Tantrums are based on soul and some of their music reminds me the Supremes or some Motown's music or even some other 60's. I think it's pretty cool band even though I usually listen to indie rock/pop bands. I really like their sounds. Their live show at Spaceland was really great and a lot of good energy going on. I had such a great time with their music.
They will stay at the Spaceland as a residency every Thursday in June. So if you can, you should check'em out. I totally recommend them.

And I can't forget to mention about the Music for Animals from San Fransisco. Their live show was pretty awesome too. Their music is very catchy that I love to listen to their songs over and over. It's so familiar to me because some of their songs are similar to 80's which I love :)
I would love to see them again in live. :D

ここ最近、Fitz and the Tantrumsの曲をKCRWというラジオ(サンタモニカカレッジのラジオステーション。超おしゃれな選曲をするステーションですw)で聞いたり、名前をSpacelandという小さなライブベニューメルマガで見たりと結構頻繁に目の前に現れるので超気になっていた存在。あまりソウルは聞かないのですが、この容姿といい、フライヤーのデザインといい、写真といい、これは一度聴いてみなくてはとMyspaceをチェックしてみると、音楽がかっこいい...ってか超かっこいい。6月いっぱい、毎週木曜日Spacelandでライブをしているというので一度は見てみたかったバンド、きっと私しか興味ないんだろうなと思って半分諦めていたところ、なんとお友達のみどりっちが彼氏の友達のバンドを観に行かない?と誘ってくれたのがこのFitz and the Tantrumsの前座, Music for Animalsだったのです。

超興奮して観に行きましたが、Music for Animals(Fitzの前座)といい、Fitz and the Tantrumsといい、ノリノリで観客も良いバイブ持って多いに楽しんで来ましたよ。
先ほども言いましたが、Indie rock/popを中心に聴くもので、あまりソウルは好んで探したり、聴いたりしないのですが、このバンドは好きです。あのシュプリームスなどを生んだMotown系や他の60sの色に染まっていて、また自分の色もありありで、良い味出してます!

サンフランシスコ出身のMusic for Animalsのことも忘れちゃ〜いけませんねw 彼らもとてもキャッチーな音を出してます。なんか何度も何度も聴いても飽きないというか、もっと聴きたくなるような...アディクト系の音を出していると個人的に思ってます(あくまでも個人的なんで...)。というか80sですね、この音。だからきっと何度も聴きたくなってくるのかな。で、お友達のお友達ということで話す機会がありましたが、皆いい人〜〜。ちょっと写真を撮ってなくて残念だけど、親しみ易い良い、前から知っている友人みたいな感じの良い人達です。またロスに戻っておいでなー。

Fitz and Tantrums: the official site /Myspace
Music for Animals: the official site / Myspace

Noelle's voice was so fantastic. And she was so cute!

Fitz - Vocal.

Fitz joined to sing with Music for Animals. That was awesome.
FitzがMusic for Animalsのショーに参加。突然の参加だったからボーカルもびっくり。

Music for Animals.

Music for AnimalsIf Looks Could Kill

Music For Animals - Love Love Love (acoustic) One of my favorite songs

Publish Post

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Drums

The Drums - "Let's Go Surfing" Official Music Video HQ


I thought summer was coming soon... but the weather in Los Angeles is not really like usual summer this time. Every morning is so gloomy so far. And at night is kind a chilly too.
Where are you summer?

Well, we can only do so much to make the climate better but you can always "try to" feel summer by music. ;) (I read some articles California is trying vanish plastic bags from grocery stores in next year or 2012)

This band, The Drums from Brooklyn, New York lets you feel so summer. A little of bit of 60s, and surfer type of music and I love it. They got a little bit of Madchester type of taste as well that is why I love the most (Madchester: wiki). Madchester era was the most influential music era for all time for me. I was already into European/American music since I was in Junior High School, and I was in to Madchester music so much when I was around 18 or19. One girl that I was hanging out often at the time showed me different type of music back then, and that still remains in me.

They are touring in Europe at this moment, and going to Japan too.
When are they gonna come out to Los Angeles??

夏…まだですかね…もう6月の中旬なのにまだ寒い。朝は曇ってて、ジャケットはいるし、夜も肌寒い。全然夏らしくない!! 個人的には涼しい方が好きですけどでもやっぱり季節は季節らしくしてもらうのが…。寂しいなぁ。これもまた温暖化のせいですね…。カリフォルニア州はスーパーなどからビニール袋の存在を消そうと来年か2012年あたりから実施するそうですよ。いいぞ!イケイケ!!

ということで…音楽だけでも夏らしくいきましょか。最近発見した音楽でThe Drums、これ夏っぽいと思いました。どことなく60s、サーフィン系を思い出す音、はたまた90年代初期にブレイクしたMadchester時代(WIKI) の音も入っててかなり気に入ってます。私が18,19だった頃仲良くしてたあるお友達に影響されてMadchester(Stone Roses, Happy Mondays, Primal Scream など)系音楽を聴き始めたんですがぞっこんだったこと思い出します。今でもMadchester大好き!! (って何か前にも書いた気がする…) まぁ、そんな要素、The Drumsに入ってるんです。

結構人気が出てきてるThe Drums、今ヨーロッパをツアー中らしいです。

The Drums-Submarine This is my favorite. 私の一番のお気に入り曲

The Drums - Best Friend

The Drums - I Felt Stupid (Official)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Local Natives

Local Natives - Airplanes


Lately I am hooked with a band is called "Local Natives". They are a local band from Silverlake, CA, and I think this band is one of the fastest growing band I've ever known.
They just released their debut album "Gorilla Manor" in this Feb, 2010. They had their residency at Spaceland and Silverlake Lounge for "free" every Monday like a few months back (I can't believe I missed those shows...)
And now, after they had a big break at SXSW, and Cochella, they became so popular that every shows they do was always sold out (I'm only talking about in Los Angeles), and their next show will be held at Henry Fonda in this September... This is just great. I love their music, and love to get to know that they are locals. and I love watching locals becomes so big.

I did go to one of the shows at the Bootleg Theatre though. Lately this venue started running to have good bands as well, and Local Natives also played here about 2 weeks ago (I will post the pic later on). At this show, their energy delivered to us so well that we were all together and excited to see their live. And I started to realize the front rows were filled by young girls screaming their names. I felt like I was in wrong crowd for an idol band or something for a sec. lol I am a bit confused with this type of fans but oh well, it's not my business I guess...

Only one thing that I did concern about was the lady next to me. She seemed to be around mid-40s or maybe closer to 50s. She danced a lot, sang a lot, sweat a lot and looked like she was having fun a lot. That's great! Even around her age, it IS a great thing to have a good time with a good music. I would like to be like that! However, what if I would be alone until her age, and I still show up at a live show by myself... that's a bit... sigh... never mind...

Btw, I am going to see Hot Hot Heat tonight at Bootleg. :)

最近結構お気に入りのバンド、Local Natives。Silverlake出身とあって身近な存在のバンドがデビューしたてなのに、こんなに急成長で育っているというのがとてもほくほくとして嬉しい。というか一言で「すごい」なって思ってます。
今年の2月にデビューアルバム「Gorilla Manor」を出したばかりで、数ヶ月前までSpaceland- (capacity: 260), Silverlake Lounge: (Capacity 176)-ローカルの小さなバーでここから大きく育つバンドもいくつかいます。Silversun Pickupsとかもそうだしーで毎週レジデンシーを無料で行っていたぐらいだったのに、今なんて毎回ライブをやると全部ソールドアウト(ロスだけの話だけど)、しかも今度は結構大きい(キャパ1500人)で9月にショーをやるそうです。SXSWとかCoachellaとかでブレイクしてからすごい人気ぶり!

この人たちのショーを2週間ほど前にBootleg Theatreというべニューで見に行ってきましたが、

でもね、もっと気になったのは私の隣に40代後半ぐらいのおばはんがきゃーきゃー言ってたこと。その年になっても音楽に夢中、バンドに夢中っていうのはとても素晴らしい! 気が済むまで踊りまくって、一緒に歌って…って…私も同じことしてる!! でもって、ふと考えると自分もこのぐらいの年になっても一人でいたら...って…これも知ったこっちゃないね。あーあー。

今晩はというと…BootlegでHot Hot Heat見に行ってきますー。

Local Natives - Wide Eyes

Local Natives - Sun Hands

Monday, June 14, 2010

Photo collection May - June 2010

I haven't put anything lately... I'm going to put some photograph diary today. :)

Nada Surf @ Troubadour

Telekinisis for Nada Surf @ Troubadour
I love their music. It was awesome.

War Tapes @ Silverlake Lounge
They got a lot of energy. It was new to me, but still like it.

My favorite credenza and blue lamp. :) I got the credenza from Pepe's in Silverlake, and the lamp is from my friend's store, Sub(Urban) Home in downtown.
Check their nice website. Sub(Urban) Home>
Address: 101 West 5th St. LA CA 90013

Pepe's doesn't have a website... but here is Yelp info.
Address: 3204 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026

My friends took me to this cute little cafe in LBC after our shopping at a flea market. I can't remember or see the cafe's name... :( >>>>> I found the info. It's called Starling Diner.
4114 E 3rd St. Long Beach CA 90814

But this is what I had. Good French toast with berries. I have to have this again! It was GOOD!!