Friday, August 8, 2008

Falcon @ my office / ハヤブサの憩いの場


It seems like my office is a cool place to hang out for Falcons on every Friday lately. One came up and say hi to us last Friday, and another one came today with a breakfast.
Both of them stayed at least 2 hours at the same spot. I am wondering what kind of conversation carried by between of those 2.

At the beginning, we didn't know what it was. We were thinking Hawk? Eagle? ...
Finally, we looked it up online, and found out it was a Falcon. I think Perigrine Falcon?
This website, Wilderness Classroom said Perigrine Falcon is:

The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest creature on the planet in its hunting dive, in which it soars to a great height, then free falls at speeds in excess of 420 km/h (260mph) into either wing of its prey, so as not to harm itself on impact. Although not self-propelled speeds, due to the fact that the falcon gathers the momentum and controls its dive, capture and landing, technically there is no faster animal.

Wow... that is so cool. I would like to see when they haunt for their food.

この2週間の間に(毎週金曜日)、ハヤブサが私達のオフィスの窓に現れるようになりました。最初は何の種類だか全然分からず、鷹?鷲?なんて言ってましたが、やっとオンラインで検索して見つけました。ハヤブサだそうです。ハヤブサの中でも色々と種類があるみたいだけど、英語では「Perigrine Falcon」って言うみたい。辞書引いてみたけど日本語でなんていうのかちょっと分からん...。そん中にもTundriusとかAnatumとか色々あるみたいです。


長く先の尖った翼を持ち、時速340kmもの速度で急降下します。主な獲物は鳥類で、飛翔中に捕らえます。また、コウモリやウサギ、ネズミなどの哺乳類も捕食します。日本には冬鳥として渡ってきますが、日本で繁殖するものもいます。 生息地:ほぼ北米全域


The first one was little bigger than the one I saw today.
His face is sooo cute.


I had a glimpse of "Law of Jungle"...

I feel the dignity...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer 08 Pick -Indie Music- / 今夏08ピック ーインディーロックー


I heard a lot of couples are getting married today since it is "080808"! Congrats!
And happy birthday to my brother-in-law.
My love -music- will be written here since today is just today for me . hehe :)

Recently, I am hooked on these 3 bands in Indie Rock field.
(on the photo from left) Black Kids, Blonde Redhead, and Death from above 1979.
I can't stop listening to them over and over. All of these 3 bands just somehow remind me of 80's music. I guess music, and fashion can't leave without history footsteps.
I just missed Black Kids' show in Los Angeles the other day... And I can't wait to see Blonde Redhead when they come in to town. So can't I on Death from above 1979.

今日は2008年8月8日ということでめでたい!結婚しちゃえっ!っていうカップルが多いそうです。おでっとさん☆ それにうちの義理の弟くんのお誕生日でもあります。これまたおめっとさん☆ そんなにめでたいことがない私ですが、最近超気になってるインディーバンド、3つ教えます。
(写真の左から)Black Kids, Blonde Redhead, Death from above 1979.
Black Kids は最近知ったのですが、これは良い音を出している!評論家みたくかっこよくどんな音だか書けませんが、聞いてみてください。最近何度も何度も1枚のアルバムを繰り返し聴いてます。2008年要注目バンドとして有名雑誌「Rolling Stone」でも言われてるそうです。
歌い方に結構特徴ある。The Cureのロバートスミスにちょこっと似てます。バンドメンバー見てるとそこら辺にいる近所の子達が集まった感じでかわいい感じです。

Black Kids - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend (Official)

Blonde Redhead is from Brooklyn, NY. Kazu (Japanese-American), and Twins from Canada (born in Italy) in the band.. Kazu sings in English, French, Italian, and Japanese. Wow.
Blonde RedheadはNYはブルックリン出身のバンドで日系人のKazuとイタリア系カナダ人の双子で構成されてます。英語、フランス語、イタリア語、日本語で歌っちゃうそう。

Blonde Redhead - Melody
I love her voice!

DFA 1979 is from Tronto, Canada. It reminds me of 80's Hard Rock like Poison, Ratt etc... but still they sound sooooo "now".
Death From Above 1979はカナダのトロントから。80年代のハードロックを思い出させるけど、やっぱりよーく聴いてると今風な感じです。
Death From Above 1979 - Romantic Rights

I love this drum, and the sound of guitar. I like to listen to it when I work and make me work faster. lol

あとこれ、大好き。Death from above 1979 - Little Girl

最後に...白髪大好きっコな私にこの方はどっちーーーーん!とドキドキさせられます。Blonde Redhead のギターリストのアメデオと言うそうです。ぽっ...。


Today's Lunch -Thai Salad -Larb- / タイサラダ・ラーブ


As usual, today was my turn again. This is my probably 5th time to make this Thai salad, Larb.
It's so easy, and my lunch partner loves this. As her request, I made it again. :)
I was planning to make it last night, however, I was pretty busy for work, so
I made it in this morning. It took like no more than 20min.
Usually, at a Thai restaurant, they serve you with ground beef. And they call it "Thai Beef Salad (Larb)" in the menu. But, in my recipe I use ground pork. I think this is tastier than beef one.


Recipe /レシピ (for 2 people)
-Ground Pork 1lb
-2 garlic
-sesame oil
-1/2 red onion
-some cilantro (パクチ)
-some green chili
-Fish Sauce (Nampler) *important!!
-1 lime
-Small red cabbage (green one is fine too. this is sweeter)
(My recipe is pretty omitted out from real Larb. But it's still tasty! :)
本格的なタイサラダと比べたら結構レシピは省略されてるけど、でもこれでも十分おいしいぞ! )

1-chop garlic, and fry with sesame oil
2-fry ground pork in #1 and turn off the stove
3-drain all the pork fat (this is important too.ここ大切ね。肉汁絶対に捨てるように)
4-put some *Nampler in #3 till you like the flavor
5-chop red onion, cilantro and green chili and put them in #4
6-squeeze lime and pour onto #5
and that's it! You can eat with cabbage.

This is Nampler - Fish Sauce. This is a big bottle (700ml) and you can find it at a Thai Market. It was only $1.59!! Cheap, isn't it? It will last for a while. :)
I was recommended to get this kind (with shrimp illustration) from a Thai lady (Jun's ex-bf's mom) I met before.
