For Father's Day, I didn't know what to give to my dad like always, and usually I spend too much on thinking and I give him something I find online after all because it's quicker. I always think the thought can count even though what I give him not matter what though at the same time, I always feel like I've been giving him "whatever". I don't mean to give him without my thought though.
However, last month, my dad told me that his country western band "Drifting Daddies" was interviewed on the local newspaper. I was pretty excited that this is actually happening on him. I told my friends about this and one of them told me I should make his website. That was a brilliant idea, thanks to Jun! So, I spent one weekend to create this site. And since I made it, I want it to show up on Google, and Yahoo search engine too. I got obsessed and I even registered this domain name to both sites. But... it doesn't show up on 1st page yet! What's going on? I know it will take a week or so to be affected but it spent over a week already... Hmmm... Can any of you bookmark his website, please?
Ah, btw, this is how I sent to my dad. If my gift is handmade, I want my card to be handmade too. :) I just stamped "Happy Father's Day" on a cooking sheet, and sealed with red thread on a grocery paper bag. A card inside... I just bought it. Sorry I forgot to take a pic of inside.
Like about 2 days ago, my friend, Arndt from Germany who I have been corresponding with for 16 years just sent me a package - CDs. I opened it wondering what the occasion was, and just couldn't think of any... but as I read his letter, it was just a gift with no reason. That was nice. Lately, I found out he got a same taste of music as I do. This is one of the happy elements to be connected with friends much deeper. I don't know how he thinks about this, but for me MUSIC is one of the most important elements to be connected with people. IF you like same type of music as I do, you are my friend already! haha :)
This time he gave me Santogold's debut album "Santogold" (Brooklyn, NY). 彼が今回くれたのはサントゴールドのデビューアルバム(セルフタイトル)。彼女はNYはブルックリン出身。 I knew her already from about a month ago since Midori, and Mike introduced me to her music on the exact same day! I was like "damn, if she is THAT good, I gotta listen". But it took me a bit to like her music since her music goes to kinda electronica, reggae, to rock. I didn't know what to expect her. You know whose her music reminds me of? M.I.A., and Amy Winehouse. Sometimes her rhythms gives me M.I.A. type of impression, and her voice reminds me of Amy Winehouse. But as you listened more, you crave her music more. This is a cool album. My favorite song is "Creator".
I knew this band too, and actually I was looking for their live show in Los Angeles, which I missed a day difference or something. I love their 1st Album "A Lesson in Crime". Their sound is so strong but then it makes my feet dance. I heard they got an influence from the Strokes. Yea, I could get a bit of the Stroke sounds from there. And how the vocalist, Dave Monks' voice is kinda similar to Julian Casablanca (I love his name!)too. Probably these guys will be pretty big in the future. Before that moment, I want to see them in a live! Hurry, and come back to Los Angeles!
TPCも結構前から知ってました!最初のデビューアルバム「A Lesson in Crime」は今回のと違って、もっと強く、またぐいぐいと引っ張ってくれる感じの仕上がりになっていて、最初から聴いた途端、「好き!」。 今回のアルバムはちょっとおとなしめに出来上がってます(と最初は思ったんだけどちと3回目聴いたらちょっと違ってきた!)。でもまた違う味を出してくれているので、違うTPCの面も見れた感じです。あ、ちょっとDeath Cab for Cutieにも似てる??違うか...。 でももっともっとたくさん聴く価値ありだと思う。噛めば噛むほど味がでてくる。。。っていうじゃないですかー。これだね、きっと。こいつらきっと大きくなるんだろうなー。期待の星だね! またロスに来ないかねー。
Thanks for the great gift, Arndt!! I love them!!
Tokyo Police Club "Cheer it on" from 1st Album "A Lesson in Crime"
Tokyo Police Club "Your English Is Good" from 2nd Album "Elephant Shell"
I just came back from the live show of Crystal Castles at Roxy on Sunset Blvd.
OMG, that was the most craziest show I have been to in this few years.... This show was SOLD OUT and obviously it was soooo paked with too many people. I was kind of center in the crowd and people were jumping all over, pushing all over and sometimes they were about to fall on me. My feet was stepped on and hurt a bit at the end of the show...
Since I made smoked salmon sandwitch with cream cheese on this Monday for lunch, I had some smoked salmon left over. I knew I am not going to use smoked salmon all by myself in this few days, I decided to make "Smoked Salmon and Asparagas Spaghetti with White Cream Sauce".
(sorry I took some pics tonight but because of the lighting, it didn't come out good so I borrowed a pic from the Cookpad website...)
I am kinda proud of myself this time because.... I made the white sauce from scratch!! YES!! :) It's not too easy to make white sauce as WHITE! Because of the butter, it's easy to burn it and make it yellow or brown... I have tried to make white sauce before and I'd never made it except this time. hehe.
今日はみどりとまゆみんとオーガニック系レストラン「いなか」on La Brea Ave(ここのレストラン、超おすすめ!何てったって健康に良いメニューばかりだから!!)にてディナーを楽しみました。(みどりー、写真送って〜)その後ぺちゃくちゃ楽しい話で盛り上がりながら別れた後、明日のランチを作るために速攻帰宅。
1- Boil the hot water and boil pasta for about 9 min (or 3 min shorter than what the bag says) 2- Slice smoked salmon to easy-to-bite size (don't cook it though) 3- Slice Asparagus diagonal. 4- Boil the water for asparagus and boil them for 3 min then take them out from the boiled water 5- Slice Onion thinly 6- Pan with melted butter 7- Onion and saute until wilted 8- Add flour to #6, and make sure it's not scorching 9- Add milk gradually and mix well 10- Add the bouillon, salt and pepper to #8 to make the taste as you like 11- Put pasta, white sauce, smoked salmon, and asparagus on your favorite plate and make it look good! :) 12- Itadakimasu!! (Bon appétit!!)
Thanks for visiting Furry Lunchbox(I was told this name means something else but I didn't mean to make it in xxx way...). Life is too short to make worries... I love to have fun, hang out with people I love and have a good food. :) My 2nd life just started, yea, pretty brand-new one. So, I've gotta have a positive energy and thinking to re-find my life, goal, and... you know what else ;).
Furry Lunchboxに色んな意味が詰め込まれてます(ちょっとアダルト的な意味があるそうですが、そんなんじゃないので、、、あしからず。Furry=うちの猫にちなんで。Lunchbox=
楽しんで行きたいです。Furry Lunchboxを訪れてくれてありがとー!