Monday, May 18, 2009

Fanfarlo from London, UK


I just found a cool band "Fanfarlo" at the Sixty One today. They are indie pop band from London, UK. According to Wikipedia, they just made a debut with an album which is called "Reservoir" in this February. Uhh, nice! I found a new band again!! :D I was reading "News" in their website, and found out such a cute illustration which is a re-creation from the album cover. The winner of the competition was Irene Nicholas. Very nice! I love the illustration a lot. Read the article>>

Can't wait till they are coming to Los Angeles!!

今日またthe Sixty Oneを聴いていたら、ロンドン出身の「Fanfarlo」というバンドを見つけました。なんかArcade Fire と少しClap Your Hands Say Yeahに似てる感じのインディーポップバンドです。なんか歌い方が素朴でいい感じ。こういうの大好きです。
しかも、こんなかわいらしいイラストもサイトで見つけた。アルバムカバーのre-creationなのだそうだ。これはコンペから勝った優勝者の作品らしいです(Irene Nicholas)。なんと素敵なイラスト。。。これまた好き!バンドの音に合ってる〜。

Wikipedia: Fanfarlo>>

Fanfarlo official website>>

Myspace: Fanfarlo>>

Fanfarlo - Harold T. Wilkins

Fanfarlo - Fire Escape

Fanfarlo - Luna (Live) I want to see!!!