Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Source of Power / パワーの源
Since a day before yesterday, I was getting sick, and yesterday was worst I felt... like my joint hurts, my body is hot, sneazing, and I felt like crap for whole day... but I went to see The Faint concert at Wiltern with my concert buddy, Meg.
I was debating myself I should go or not. And normally, if you are normal person, you won't go. You will just give to someone else who really wants to go (since it's sold out show), and get some nightquil and rest... But I didn't. I wanted to see The Faint so badly even though I might have a chance get worse next day.
As the opening bands, Mika Miko and Kool Keith were playing, I was like "hurry up and end!!" since their music sucked. Well, Mika Miko wasn't that bad. It was post punk music, and was pretty fun to listen. The Kool Keith was... SUCKED!
Anyway, I had a lot of fun at the Faint show. I guess a good music, good energy, and good dancing give me a power. I thought I would be a lot worse than a day before, but I guessed wrong! I feel fine, and actually got better!! :)
おとといぐらいから風邪を引きまして、、、大統領選挙の時もベッドからくしゃみしながら、鼻をぐじゅつかせながら見てたのに、昨晩はどうしてもキャンセルできなかったものがあり、、、「the Faint」というバンドのコンサートに行ってきちゃいました。昨日は関節が痛かったり、くしゃみばかりしたり、ぼーーっとしてたし、こんなに自分の容態が良くないのに自分でもバカじゃないのかって思ってたのにも関わらず、、、踊ってしまいました。歌ってしまいました。こりゃー絶対に明日容態もっと悪くなるわと思いつつ。
でもThe Faint良かったわー。ノリが超良い!好き!!
前座のバンドは良くなかったけどな。Mika Miko と Kool Keithっていうのが前座だったけど、Mika Mikoはまーパンクバンドで面白かった。Kool Keith?はゆるせんくらいあほらしいラップ…。まーいいけど。
Glass Danse
Get Seduced
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
He Won!! / 勝った!
Election Countdown! / 大統領選挙
I think we only have an hour or less to get know which candidate will be a future president of United States... This would be my first time that I got soooo into the political event. Thanks to Jeff, he showed me a lot of valued websites where I can learn a lot about it. Not only because everyone else around me supports Obama, I would like to support him as well since he supports so many things that I can agree on such as war, envrionment and immigrant issues. It is very interesting that this is my first time that I really wished I could vote!!
Right now, Obama 195 vs. McCain 70. Obama needs 75 seats to go! It is obvious he will win!
And I would vote for Prop 8 as No (agree on Gay Marriage), Prop 2 as Yes (to stop Animal cruetly).
I am getting sick... so I will watch this result in my bed with nightquil. haha
Prop8(ゲイマリッジに反対)にはNo, Prop2(動物の保護等)にはYesとしても投票したかった!
Monday, November 3, 2008
My new destination / 次の旅行計画
I just found this article "Miners Stumble Upon Fortress Of Solitude, Superman Pissed, Can't Find Solitude"
in Geekologie blog. This is a Crystal Cave in Chihuahua Desert in Mexico. According to Geekologie, it says "When, about 600,000 years ago, the magma began to cool, the minerals started to precipitate out of the water, and over the centuries the tiny crystals they formed grew and grew until 1985, when miners unwittingly drained the cave as they lowered the water table with mine pumps." Wow, this is amazing.. How cool is that to see this cave if it's possible!! This would be my next trip destination in um... long way future?
But inside of this cave, the temperature is about 112F, and humidity is... 100%... Argh.. do I still want to go?? Heck ya!! Can anyone take me here? hehe
今日のGeekologieのブログを読んでいたらメキシコはチワワにあるクリスタル洞窟についての記事を発見。これは行きたい!!このクリスタル洞窟は60万年前からの冷却されたマグマ、水からミネラルが何世紀にも渡って沈殿されて作られた洞窟らしい。長いものだったら約37フィート(11.2m!), 大人6人分にはなるものもあるらしい。ただ洞窟内は44℃、湿度100%…。あ、暑い…。んーこれでも行きたいか??って聞かれたら私の答は「もちろん!」です。でもいつになったら行けるのかな。今のところ、サーチ目的のサインエンティストぐらいしか行けなさそう…。行ける時になったら誰か連れってってくれないかなー。へへへ
Wow, this is way amazing!
National Geographic Article here / National Geographic の記事にも載ってるよ☆
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween 2008!
I wasn't going to dress up for Halloween this year, but everyone else was in the BIG Halloween mood so I just had to take advantage of that... My friends and I were debating till the last minute where we should have a party at, and finally, we decided to go to the Natural History Museum.
And we ended up having a GREAT time!! We danced with cool music and stuffed animals for whole night!!
っちゅーことで、友達とパーティー先を決めるのに2週間以上かかり、結局ダウンタウンの外れにある「Natural History Museum」に行くことになりました。博物館の外でやるんだろうなーって思ってたら、動物の骨やら剥製がある室内でパーティーとは!びっくりだったけど超楽しかったーー!
Everyone took so long to prepare Halloween!
BooDoo Dolls
This zonbi is incredible.
Shamen, Astronut, Zonbi
We were dancing in front of stuff animals!
This is a great photo, I think. I love it! Fluffy Richard Simmons!!
I'm so boring! I should've prepared... In front of Ostrich.
One of my favorite DJs, Classixx. Their music was awesome!
私の好きなDJ、Classixx. 超音楽よかったーー。
What, bedtime??
I got more photos here / フリッカーにもっと写真載せたよ☆ >> Flickr
The Natural History Museum:
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007
(213) 763-DINO
Los Angeles,
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