Saturday, January 31, 2009

Keenhouse, College, Anoraak!!


I know I was sick and I took a day and half off from my work on this Tuesday, and Wednesday... and I finally got better on next day. I know I should stay home and get rest more until I get better completely... But I couldn't resist this one Keenhouse, College and Anoraak Show at the Echoplex on this Thursday night. That wasn't a sold-out show, and not that many people to start with but at the end, more people showed up and we really had a great time. I knew College from Myspace from a long time ago, and I was excited about him coming in town. His, and Anoraak music reminds me of 80's, early 90's pop electronic music.

今週はスノボー後のどをやられ、体調を崩し、火曜日は会社を早退、水曜日は会社を休み、木曜日は調子が良くなったから会社に戻ったのですが、、その夜どうしても見逃せないライブがあったので行ってきてしまいました。てへっ!先月に出会ったKeenhouseに、ずっと前から好きだった フランスDJ、Collegeとめぐっぺのおかげで知ったAnoraak。どれも80年代、90年代初期を思い出させるようなロゴに音でどうしても見たかった訳です。最初のLexiCondonが出て来た時はがら〜んとほとんど誰もいなかった、、、というか友達が応援に来てた、、程度だったけど、Keenhouseぐらいからどんどんと盛り上がりを見せて最後はパック状態に近い状態。めぐっぺのお友達も途中参加で、皆今晩の音を気に入って楽しんでたみたいだったから超楽しかった。良い音を分かってくれる仲間と一緒にいることがなんか最近楽しいと思うこの頃です。

Keenhouse: Myspace
College: Myspace
Anoraak: Myspace

Keenhouse - Japanese singer was aside of him too.

College - I thought he was younger than he actually is... But he make a good sound!

With Keenhouse

With College

With Meg + Gabu chan.

with Meg, her friends, Gabu, and Audrey

Keenhouse - Deep in Forest I submitted in Youtube. haha

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Summit


I finally went snowboarding with my friends to Snow Summit. This is my first time to snowboard in this season or in this 2 years. It has been a while since I did last time so I was a bit concerned if I could do this well. But my body always remember what I need to do and I was fine. :) I realized if I got a good pair of boots, and board, I can perform the best. And now with a good pair of boots and board (rental), I could try the advance course which I was usually scared of... So, I finally accomplished my goal on snowboarding! :) I even tried the baby jumps. I didn't get landed completely most of the times, but it's ok, I was scared of doing it for a while, so it means something at least I tried! It was sooo much fun and I want to go again!
But by hitting freazing cold wind, my throat is swollen, and I think I got a cold now... :( Since I don't have anyone who can take care of me, I feel lonely! :(
Snow condition at Snow Summit: Man maid snow... some part was icy. Snow a little in the morning. Half day lift ticket (12pm - 5pm): $54 ($64 for all day), Snowboard rental: $18, Insurance for rental: $2

やーっと久しぶりのスノボーに先週の日曜日、行ってきました!場所はSnow Summitというスキーリゾート地でロスから約3時間東にドライブするとSan Bernardino National Forestという山の中にあります。朝7時に友達の家で集合。結局滑り出したのは12時。今回は半日コースということで滑ったけど、半日はちょっと短かったなー。まー2年ぶりのスノボーだったからちゃんと出来るかどうかちょっと不安だったけど、体はやっぱり覚えてるらしく、今回は新しくアドバンスコース挑戦で、なんとかこなすことに出来ました。ww ジャンプも6−7年前に大きく尻餅ついてから怖くなってやってなかったけど、今回は超小さなベイビージャンプもトライして1回だけちゃんと着地成功。でもほとんど転んだけどね。今シーズンが終わっちゃう前にもう1度ぐらい行きたいです。

Snow Summitの雪コンディション:人工雪 ところどころicy 夕方になるともっとicy. 朝雪がちらりと降ってました。半日リフト券:$54(1日券だと$64)、ボードレンタル:$18、レンタルの保険:$2

The snow was ok this time. If I go to Mammoth or something, snow condition should be much better!


Snow Summit is right next to Big Bear Lake. The view is awesome!
Snow Summitはビッグベア湖の隣にあります。眺めが最高!

This pic reminds me of "Last Christmas" from Wham! lol..

It's snowing!!

At the end, it gets foggier but it was still fun!

Other pics are here at Flickr/他の写真はフリッカーで。Click/どうぞ>>