Last week wasn't like this at all... All of the sudden, it gets soooo hot from a couple days ago.
"Summer" finally started... I don't really like summer, this heat, and sweat. But what the most thing I need in my apartment is "Air Conditioner"... I've been living in this apartment in Los Feliz for over 10 years now and I've never desired to have AC. I have 2 ceiling fans in Living Room, and Bed Room, and I think that's enough even though it gets 90-100F. I can handle without AC. It just costs so much money, and not good for environment anyways. However, when I see my cats panting sometimes (not this year yet), I reconsider if I should get AC or not... I know cats can control their body heat along with the temperature but my friend, Ernie says it's pretty bad when cats get panting... My solution for their panting: putting cold wet towels on their body even though they don't like it! The pic above is last night... They tried to cool them down with cool floor in the bathroom.
They found some kind of bug last night. Both of them, well, especially Nash was trying to get this bug out so hard which was outside of the screen... Olie was just watching Nash what he does.
This is Nash (2 years old). He loves to be in paper bags like other cats do too.
Nash is taking a nap... He is completely ignoring me.
I thought he was ignoring me but he started to take a cute pose. Hey, I thought you were sleeping!
His hobby is catching a toy-mouse. When I throw it, he always brings it to me... well、most of the times when he feels like it.
This is Olive. She is 11 years old this year. She has been with me since I moved to this apt and of course, she has been through so many things with me.
Her hobby is sleeping, eating, sleeping and eating. And heater in winter time. She loves to eat bonito flakes, seaweed sheets and corn (I just found it today).
Lately, she gets annoyed by taking pics. Maybe my fault that I take so many of them. LOL...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Can I have this for my birthday? / ほしいーーー!
Homestar Spaというそうで、これはセガから9月に日本で販売されるそう。
欲しいーーーー! これはゆったり、まったりしたいときに完璧なアイテムだと思う!欲しいなぁ~。誕生日に誰かくれないかなーーーー。。。
I just found this on my RSS feeder. It's called
"Homestar Spa". They will start selling this in Tokyo, Japan in September 2008. This Sega Toy brings you an universe to your bathtub. You can enjoy stars if they were like in the sky!
Isn't that cool? Well, if you get bored with stars in the sky-ceiling, you can switch it to different setting lights up with floral or fish. The price will be around $70 in Japan. Damn, I want it!!
Environmental Graffiti
Homestar Spaというそうで、これはセガから9月に日本で販売されるそう。
欲しいーーーー! これはゆったり、まったりしたいときに完璧なアイテムだと思う!欲しいなぁ~。誕生日に誰かくれないかなーーーー。。。
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Ecology Quiz / エコクイズ
As usual, I was net surfing in this morning at my office, and I always get some newest info about web design and technology from a Japanese PHP RSS website. And one of the today's topics was "21 Incredibly Creative Flash Websites - Down the Foxhole". The Flash, and Action Script's techiniques are getting higher and higher by the day goes by... and I am trying to reach some point of using Flash but the goal to be a master of Flash is just so far away for me. I am not giving it up but it's just so tough using Action Script to make images the way I want it to manupulate...
One of the Flash Website that the site introduced was http://www.nationalgridfloe.com/ . It lets you play with polar bears and at the same time you learn about Ecology. You can give the little polar bear a name too. I know I will get attached to this little one "Buhi Chan" for a while... But not only I can play with Buhi Chan, and learn about Ecology, I was just amazed how this Flash is well-built.
このサイト、白熊親子と遊べると同時にエコ問題について楽しく学べちゃうサイトです。遊べるのも学ぶのも結構イケてるんですが、もっとなにがイケてるかというとフラッシュ! フラッシュのテクがすごいなーとつくづく感心してしまいます。
ちなみに、白熊の子供には「ぶひちゃん」って名付けました♪ ぶひちゃんと遊んであげるためにはちゃんとエコ問題を分かって、クイズに正解しないとおもちゃももらえないし、ごはんももらえない!ちゃんとその横にはヘルスチェックもあってどのくらいぶひちゃんが今健康かっていうのも分かります。親のほうはどうやって遊ぶのかはまだちょっと分からないですが、ちょっくら後でやってみようかな。ちょうどまきぷーのブログにもエコについて書いてあったね。皆エコを意識してがんばってるのは偉いよね!
私もがんばらねば!! これって皆でこみゅとか作れたらもっとおもしろいかもね★ 「うちの子自慢」ができるのにー!笑
As usual, I was net surfing in this morning at my office, and I always get some newest info about web design and technology from a Japanese PHP RSS website. And one of the today's topics was "21 Incredibly Creative Flash Websites - Down the Foxhole". The Flash, and Action Script's techiniques are getting higher and higher by the day goes by... and I am trying to reach some point of using Flash but the goal to be a master of Flash is just so far away for me. I am not giving it up but it's just so tough using Action Script to make images the way I want it to manupulate...
One of the Flash Website that the site introduced was http://www.nationalgridfloe.com/ . It lets you play with polar bears and at the same time you learn about Ecology. You can give the little polar bear a name too. I know I will get attached to this little one "Buhi Chan" for a while... But not only I can play with Buhi Chan, and learn about Ecology, I was just amazed how this Flash is well-built.
このサイト、白熊親子と遊べると同時にエコ問題について楽しく学べちゃうサイトです。遊べるのも学ぶのも結構イケてるんですが、もっとなにがイケてるかというとフラッシュ! フラッシュのテクがすごいなーとつくづく感心してしまいます。
ちなみに、白熊の子供には「ぶひちゃん」って名付けました♪ ぶひちゃんと遊んであげるためにはちゃんとエコ問題を分かって、クイズに正解しないとおもちゃももらえないし、ごはんももらえない!ちゃんとその横にはヘルスチェックもあってどのくらいぶひちゃんが今健康かっていうのも分かります。親のほうはどうやって遊ぶのかはまだちょっと分からないですが、ちょっくら後でやってみようかな。ちょうどまきぷーのブログにもエコについて書いてあったね。皆エコを意識してがんばってるのは偉いよね!
私もがんばらねば!! これって皆でこみゅとか作れたらもっとおもしろいかもね★ 「うちの子自慢」ができるのにー!笑
- ベーコンを食べるのとステーキを食べるのとどっちが環境に悪い?
- 使い捨てカメラを遠足に持って行くのと友達がデジカメで撮った写真のコピーをメールで送ってもらうこと、どっちが環境に悪い?
- 1週間に1回チーズバーガーを1年間食べるのと、500マイル(約805km)電車で旅行をするの、どっちが環境に悪い?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Who's this? / 気-に-な-る--!
First time I saw Russell Brand on the Live Nation mail magazine, I totally thought this guy was a musician. Either American Hard Rock or Alternative Rock vocalist who I probably won't be interested in. Though His face got pretty strong impression that I can't forget about.
One night, I went to see a movie "Forgetting Sara Marshall" by myself since I heard it was pretty funny. And this guy showed up as a world-famous English rock star and a boyfriend of Sara Marshall in the movie. I was like "oh I know this guy from the Live Nation thing..."
As I watch more of this movie, I realize he is a pretty funny guy. But I still thought he was a musician...
Anyway, I got to know he was a English comedian at the Jay Leno Show, I just had to see his live show at the Roxy tonight (yea, again I was at the Roxy...). After he made us all the audience for 2 hours, he finally showed up and started his machine-gun talk with a British accent.
Meguppe, Chiaki and I were trying hard to understand what he talks about. It was a good challenge. I think we understood about 70%? of his talk... I thought I underestimated his skills because of how he looks, bohemian type of looks though he is actually a brilliant man. I was impressed by his contents of talks.
顔が超強烈、でも誰?ミュージシャン?とLive Nationというイベントメルマガで思ったのがかれこれ1ヶ月前。
彼の名はRussell Brand. イギリスのコメディアンです。私が初めて彼を見たのはそのメルマガでしたが、気になり始めたのは、40-year-old Virginなどを手がけた監督が作った「Forgetting Sara Marshall」。超ーー面白いって聞いて一人で観に行っちゃいました。そしたらこのRussell Brandが出てるじゃないの!「あ、こいつ!」と思ったらなんかハマって来ちゃって...。で、違う理由でThe Roxyのサイトを見てたら、この人が来米、ライブをここでやるということを知って...めぐっぺとちあきちゃん達を誘って観に行っちゃった訳です。 でも開場もしくは公演スタート時間6時半って書いてあるからその通りに行ったのに、2時間待たされるハメに…。もうRoxyってどこまで時間ルーズなの…。やーーーっと8時半にあの爆発ヘアに海賊みたいな衣装で現れたRussellは期待通り観客をちょっといじりながらトークを開始(やじを飛ばしてたイギリス人観客が追い出されるというハプニングも)。でもこいつのトークは速い、速い。ブリティッシュアクセントとこのマシンガントークが合わさると、最初は一生懸命集中して聴いて面白いのですが、途中で疲れてぼーーと違うことを考えてる!おっとと、いけない、いけないと思い即また集中開始...。分かるところは面白いけど、超スピードが速いところは面白い、面白くない超えてまたぼーーーー...。
This is one of the jokes he did tonight.
First time I saw Russell Brand on the Live Nation mail magazine, I totally thought this guy was a musician. Either American Hard Rock or Alternative Rock vocalist who I probably won't be interested in. Though His face got pretty strong impression that I can't forget about.
One night, I went to see a movie "Forgetting Sara Marshall" by myself since I heard it was pretty funny. And this guy showed up as a world-famous English rock star and a boyfriend of Sara Marshall in the movie. I was like "oh I know this guy from the Live Nation thing..."
As I watch more of this movie, I realize he is a pretty funny guy. But I still thought he was a musician...
Anyway, I got to know he was a English comedian at the Jay Leno Show, I just had to see his live show at the Roxy tonight (yea, again I was at the Roxy...). After he made us all the audience for 2 hours, he finally showed up and started his machine-gun talk with a British accent.
Meguppe, Chiaki and I were trying hard to understand what he talks about. It was a good challenge. I think we understood about 70%? of his talk... I thought I underestimated his skills because of how he looks, bohemian type of looks though he is actually a brilliant man. I was impressed by his contents of talks.
顔が超強烈、でも誰?ミュージシャン?とLive Nationというイベントメルマガで思ったのがかれこれ1ヶ月前。
彼の名はRussell Brand. イギリスのコメディアンです。私が初めて彼を見たのはそのメルマガでしたが、気になり始めたのは、40-year-old Virginなどを手がけた監督が作った「Forgetting Sara Marshall」。超ーー面白いって聞いて一人で観に行っちゃいました。そしたらこのRussell Brandが出てるじゃないの!「あ、こいつ!」と思ったらなんかハマって来ちゃって...。で、違う理由でThe Roxyのサイトを見てたら、この人が来米、ライブをここでやるということを知って...めぐっぺとちあきちゃん達を誘って観に行っちゃった訳です。 でも開場もしくは公演スタート時間6時半って書いてあるからその通りに行ったのに、2時間待たされるハメに…。もうRoxyってどこまで時間ルーズなの…。やーーーっと8時半にあの爆発ヘアに海賊みたいな衣装で現れたRussellは期待通り観客をちょっといじりながらトークを開始(やじを飛ばしてたイギリス人観客が追い出されるというハプニングも)。でもこいつのトークは速い、速い。ブリティッシュアクセントとこのマシンガントークが合わさると、最初は一生懸命集中して聴いて面白いのですが、途中で疲れてぼーーと違うことを考えてる!おっとと、いけない、いけないと思い即また集中開始...。分かるところは面白いけど、超スピードが速いところは面白い、面白くない超えてまたぼーーーー...。
This is one of the jokes he did tonight.
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