Meg and I were waiting for this moment: to see The Twelves at Dragonfly! This was their first gig in Los Angeles ever, and they made a great show! They are from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. and I read some blogs that they are super big DJ over there. It's just their beat, drum, synth that they created are irresistible. You can just dance all night until they stopped playing! I really really enjoyed their music, and I want them to come back again. It was funny that I found Binary Party blog right before we went to the show. We totally thought we just needed to get tix at the door but I just happened to found a blog says you need RSVP to get in. And I found another article, if you were first person to email them, you would win 2 tix! I was very doubtful I wasn't gonna win since it was so last minute... but I WON!! Woo Hoo!! Meg and I were so lucky to see them for free! :D And we even talked and took some pics with one of the Twelves. He was super super nice!
Thanks for telling me this such a great DJ, Meg!
とうとう、The Twelvesのショーを見に行ってきちゃいました!待ちに待ったThe Twelves!! めぐっぺがこんなDJ来るけど行くーー?と聞いてくれてMyspaceをチェックした日以来、もう私はThe Twelvesが作る音にぞっこんとなりました。優しい音なんだけど、ドラム、シンセ、そのビートが交わる音が超踊りやすい!踊らなくてはいられない状態を作り上げちゃいます。彼らが出て来て、終わるまで踊りっぱなし...。 今回がロスでの初ギグという彼らはブラジルはリオ・デ・ジャネイロ出身で、超大人気DJだそうです。Dragonflyも超盛り上がってました! 思わないところからこのチケットをただでもらってしまった私達はThe Twelvesの片割れと話すこともでき、写真も撮らせてもらうことも出来、超感動した夜になりました〜。 あ〜楽しかったわ〜。
The Twelves: Myspace
Dragonfly Night Club
6510 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90038
He wasn't bad at all, actually we liked him a lot!
The very first DJ: Nightwaves was sucked.. they shouldn't sing..
Keenhouse: Myspace