Thursday, September 18, 2008

Morning Sky / 朝に見る空


Lately, I see this kind of sky a lot in the morning. I know what it's called in Japanese, but didn't know in English. I looked up online and found out that it's called "
Altocumulus cloud". According to Wikipedia, "Altocumulus often are seen preceding a cold front, and their presence on a warm, humid, summer morning frequently signals the development of thunderstorms later in the day. Alto means high and these clouds may cause rain if they are higher up."

Hmm... well, it didn't rain... I guess it wasn't higher enough to make it rains. Well, it's pretty anyway...



This documentary "Weather War" looks very interesting. Scott Stevens who had worked as a meteorologist for over 20 years created this film. It's about the weather which is controlled by technology, and government... Sounds scary (well it IS scary if this is true!) but interesting. I would like to watch this when it comes out.
気象予報士として長年働いてきたScott Stevensの映画。気象がどれだけ政府やテクノロジーによってコントロールされているか、また温暖化の原因についても語っています。この映画が出たら見たい!

そのScott Stevensのサイト。

Wikipedia: Scott Stevens

This was shot in this morning from 101 freeway.
The sun is still at the bottom from east.


This was shot like 2 days ago. I guess it happens when the air is really cold.
