Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Birthday Week / 誕生日の週末♪ -Sunday-


I thought I would stay at home and work all day long. But I got an info from Jeff about Felt Club. I was like "oh hey, it's today!!" and I called Yas and Meg on the phone, and of course, they wanted to go!
I've been to one in last year but this year was way bigger than last one. They got 150 booths to show their work at the Shrine Auditorium Expo Center, and believe me they were all artsy, creative, and cute!! I just couldn't resist some of them, and I got take them home. :) I really admire those creative people, and would like to support them. I wished I could be creative this much!

今週末最後、日曜日は家にこもって仕事、仕事、仕事、、、と思ってたのですが、えびちゃん情報で今日Felt Clubがあるというではないの!ということで、絶対にこういうのが好きなやすえちゃん、めぐっぺと一緒に行って来ました。(めぐっぺは先に行っちゃってたけどね、、、)去年よりブースが全然多くて、150件にも上ってました。もう全部かわいくて、クリエイティブで、ほしいーー!ってことになりそうでしたが、ほどほどに押さえることに成功。でもヘアピンが安くて結構買ってしまったよ、、。私もこんなクリエイティブになりたいわ〜。

This is the inside of Expo. There were not too many people in.
これがFelt Clubの中身。もっと混んでるかなと思いきや、そんなにでもなく、、、。

Earrings by Porterness
(Scroll down a bit to see their work)

Bobby Pins - Flower and Bird- by Sprout Studio
Too Cute!! サイトも超かわいい!こんなの私も作りたい!

Oh no! I lost their card... I can't remember who made these... :(

Another bobby pins by Starving Artist Bazaar
I love their items!

And this is the last not least.... This is way cute!
It's a Fawn family necklace by Figs & Ginger.
This jewelry is eco-friendly jewelry. I like the concept and love the design so I just had to get it.... well, you know it's my birthday week! So back up people!! :P

Win-Win is sooo cute! He is a son of my friend, Yas who went to Felt Club with.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Birthday Week / 誕生日の週末♪

11-14-08 - 11-16-08


I celebrated my birthday casual this time at bars it's called "The Room" and "Beauty Bar". No dinner, No expensive bill! :) I just wanted to get together with people I love, and have a great time with drinks only! hehe.
Thank you so much for everyone who wished my birthday!! I had a really good time and I got more bless this time than ever! I wanted to get drunk this time like getting crazy and dance on the counter at the bar or something, but... it didn't happen... I was busy talking to everyone (which I had a lot of fun of course) and forgot to drink.. lol!

I put some pics of my birthday (which are not much though...) in Facebook. So check it out if you are connected with me at Facebook! :)

今回の誕生日はシンプルに仲良い友達とおいしいお酒を飲むだけにしました。以前はディナーパーティーとかしてたけど、やっぱり高くなっちゃうからね。飲むだけならプレッシャーなし!それにもっとたくさんの人に来てもらいたかったからね。今回はThe RoomBeauty Barで楽しみました。

I started my Saturday with a nice lunch with my friend from work at her boyfriend's restaurant, Vivoli Cafe on Sunset Blvd. I love this place because the taste, and the portion. You can get to choose Appetizer size or Full meal size. I chose Appetizer size so then I can get to taste more dishes! I order Lasagna all Bolongnese, and Gnocchetti come a Sorrento (Gnocchi with Tomato sauce). M,m,mmm!! They are sooo Good! My friend ordered from a Branch menu. I believe it was a spinach saute with eggs on toast. It was soo yummy too!

土曜日は友達と一緒においしいイタリアンランチで始めました。ここ、Vivoli Cafeはめちゃくちゃおいしいと共に、お食事のサイズが選べちゃう。アペタイザーサイズとフルサイズ。私はアペタイザーサイズで2種類ぐらいパスタを選びました。そうするとたくさん味わえるからね!お得です。今回はミートソースラザニアとトマトソースのニョッキ。超超!おいしかった!友達はほうれん草のソテーとたまごがのったサンドを食べてました。どれもめっちゃおいしかったよww

Vivoli Cafe
7994 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood CA


Tiramissu!! This is really good Tiramissu!

And Saturday night, Meg and I went to Graficomovil Release Party. We were expecting kind of bigger party than this... but it was fun. We saw print making process of Artemio Rodriguez, and got to talk to him and taken a picture with him. This whole party purpose was raising the fund for Graficomovil which means Graphic Art on Truck, I suppose. Since I saw his art at the Art Walk a couple weeks ago, I wanted to see more his work. I love his style like the print of Maria below.

土曜日の夜はめぐっぺとGraficomovilリリースパーティへ。2週間ぐらい前にガブリエルちゃん、まき+たけ組と一緒にダウンタウンのArt Walkへ行った時に見かけたトラックなのですが、グラフィックアートがトラック中にびっしり!私はこういうの大好きです。初めてアートを買いたい!と 思ったほどです。もちろんこのトラックではありませんが、この横のマリアのプリントのようなアート。そんなに安いものじゃないけど、ちょっとお金貯めてみようかな。

Graficomovil website >>

About Artemio Rodriguez>>

This is the detail of truck. When you get closer, you will be surprised how detail that is. And you will find some cute animals here and there. :)


With Artemio Rodriguez. He was super nice and got pretty eyes!
I got his work with his autograph! :)

We didn't expect this to be done Saturday night so early (we left the party like within an hour...) so we decided to drive around in Echo Park. We found a couple parties and vintage shops open so we stopped by, and we found...

Stinkers Bar in Silverlake!! This is a Skunk-theme bar. I thought it was a cool funny theme bar, and Meg and I decided to stick around for a couple hours.

このリリースパーティーがこんなにも早く終わるだなんて計画していなかっためぐっぺと私はこの後、エコーパークをぐるりとドライブ。On Sunsetで2つぐらいパーティを見つけて、立ち寄ってみることに。その後、なんとスカンクがテーマのバーを発見!お友達のまきこちゃんのブログに書いてあったとめぐっぺが言うので面白うそうだと思って立ち寄ってみました。

Every an hour, those Skunks from the wall will start farting! Everyone watch out!! lol! No... it was just dry ice. hehe
It's really cool that there are full of beer cans on the wall too!


This is the sign on Sunset Blvd!

2939 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(323) 661-6007

Thanks, Meg to hang out with me and for fun London + 60s talk!!
My birthday week... to be continued...