Saturday, March 14, 2009
The Twelves @ Avalon
We (ahh.. of course it's Meg! lol) went again to see the Twelves now at the Avalon Hollywood. The last time at Dragonfly was their first time, but now their fan/audiences got much much bigger. They played from around 12ish to 1:30am in the morning... For whole an hour and a half, they played such a great mix for non-stop!! My god, our legs were tired but it was worth it.
They just really know how to make us dance with up beats for all night! I just love them so much.
We talked to them before the show (we talked to one of the left in the pic), he was really friendly and he was like "hey!" and hugged us! We asked if they have any CDs out. Their answer is... "NO"! Ohhh come on, Twelves! You have to have it by now. They said it's ok to have their music for free online so then it's easier to spread the words (for now...). They are such cool people to talk with too. :)
またまた来ましたよ!The Twelvesが!!前回はDragonflyというところで初ライブだったけど、今回はもっと大きいベニュー、Avalonでライブが行われました。もっとファン、観客が多くなってロサンゼルスでもThe Twelvesの人気が急上昇中というところでしょうか。
ライブの前に彼らがステージに向かって歩いているのを見つけて思わず話しかけちゃいました。超フレンドリーで「Hey!!」って友達のようにハグまでしてくれてww 嬉しかったです。
The Twelves Black Kids - Boyfriend (The Twelves Remix)
This is the most popular Remix. これが一番人気のあるリミックスかな。
Meg took me a interesting pic.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Kauai, Hawaii
03-06-09 - 03-09-09
Hawaii... here I come again! hehe. Around the same time, I was in Oahu for my friends' wedding last year. And, this time again... I was in Kauai island for another good friends of mine's wedding. Out of all the islands in Hawaii, Kauai the one has so much rain, especially March... Why now..? But March 8th is very very special day for Diffenderfers. And I was so happy to be there to witness their special day.
I arrived in Kauai with my friend on the Friday night, and stayed until Monday morning. We got a lot of rain unfortunately. EXCEPT... on the wedding day! :) It was beautiful day. I feel blessed, and I was amazed how much the Sunny Girl, Jun affected the weather. She was the lucky charm. On top of that, as soon as they are done with ceremony and we were about to move on to the reception, it started to rain again HARD! Wow... I felt really a bless. I am not religious but I had to thank to God... :)
Over all, the Kauai was much more on country side like I saw chickens walking around in town all over like a stray cats or dogs. And top of that, all the animals I wanted to see such as Dolphins (Na Pali Coast), Whales (Na Pali Coast), Wild Goats (Na Pali Coast), Sea Turtle (Poipu Beach) showed up for us.
The most important part of this trip: Diffenderfers' wedding was beautiful, fun and a lot of laughs. It was just perfect. I've never had a fun wedding like this. I guess good people gather at the same place, good energy comes in naturally and we can naturally have a good time. I was so content even though this trip was super short...
ハワイにまた行って来ました。去年の今頃もハワイ、今年もハワイ。すべて結婚式です。 去年はオアフで、今回はカウアイ。カウアイはハワイの島の中で最も雨量が多い島だそうで、、、。降られました。結構降られました。友達と金曜日の夜に到着し、月曜日の朝までいた訳ですが(最短旅行、、)、結婚式以外雨ばーーっかり。でも式の日は朝からずーっと晴れていて、式が終わった途端、ざーーーーー!と再び雨が、、、。晴れ女じゅんちゃんの力はすごい!これは本当に恵まれてるなーと信仰心があまりない私はめずらしく神様に感謝せざるを得ませんでした。でも感動する式だったし、披露宴もめっちゃめちゃ楽しかった〜。たくさんの笑いあり、良い人達に会え、良いエネルギーがたくさん集まったパーティでした。
カウアイは初めて行ったけど、にわとりが町中歩いてるぐらい田舎だった。でもこの田舎さがいいんだわ〜。野良犬とかいるかな〜とも思ったりしたけど犬はさすがに見かけなかった。そこまで田舎じゃなかったみたい。。。 せっかくなんだからと出かけたNa Pali Coastクルーズ(雨降っていたにも関わらず計画続行、、)ではくじら、いるか、山壁にぴったり張り付いて模型にしか見えなかった山ヤギも見えたし、Poipuビーチではあざらしにウミガメにも会えちゃったし。ヘリコプターに乗ってカウアイ島全体見れたし。とても楽しくて楽しくてロスに帰りたくなかったで、結構満足な旅行だったわん。また同じメンバーでハワイ行きたいな〜〜。
With beautiful bride, Jun.
A bit nervous groom, Jed.
The Best Saimin Noodle in town. "Hamura's Saimin Stand". The flavor is very light. Not oily either. My friends said they have had better one than this at L&L (L&L one tastes like ramen, something I have tasetd before), but I like this one.
If you have a chance to visit, you must go here.
このヌードルとってもあっさりしてて食べやすいです。あっさりしてるけど味はちゃんと腰を据えてるって感じ。唐辛子入り酢を入れるともっとおいしいww ちょっと沖縄そばに味が似てるかな?
Hamura's Saimin Noodle Stand
Address: 2956 Kress St, Lihue, Kauai, HI 96766
Phone: 808-245-3271
Price: less than $10
Na Pali Coast Cruise The ocean is covalt blue!!
ナパリコーストクルーズで。 海が真っ青!
It started to rain in sun a bit. I love this moment. Just beautiful. This is from inside of helicopter.
I forgot the name of this fall... but it was filmed for a movie "Jurassic Park". It was a beautiful view.
Nice, isn't it? Amzaing, isn't it???
The last thing not least... my friends and I played a momery game. Guess what the theme was... yes... "Mole". You think you can draw it easy but wrong! Look at top of two! WTH! A monster? A dog?? LOL. おまけ、、、寝る前に皆でメモリーゲームとやらをしてみました。テーマはなんでしょう、、そう、「もぐら」です。頭に浮かぶから簡単に描ける!と思ったら大間違い!一番の上の2枚見てみて!モンスターかよ!犬かよ!おいっ!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Day Light Saving
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