Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year! /あけおめ、ことよろ!!(ってもう古いか?)

12-31-08 - 1-02-09

Happy New Year! to you all! I hope you guys had a great NYE and will have a greater year in 2009! Meg, Gabu chan and I took off on NYE to Joshua Tree (MAP). Luckly, my work let us go at 3PM so we were able to leave Los Angeles earlier than we expected. Since it only takes a couple hours to get to Joshua Tree, we had a dinner, and left like 7:30ish and took off. Although we didn't think we were gonna get lost to find Indian Cove Rd... We finally made it literally 5 mins before the midnight! Yes, we made it to the countdown!!! Phew!! We expected to be really really cold but it wasn't that cold after we layered ourselves like 4 layers. haha. I think it was like 38F degree at night. But we saw a lot of beautful stars, good food, a lot of alcohol and a lot of laughs, so everything was ok. Actually it was great!! In the daytime, we went hiking, and rock climbing. It wasn't like we used ropes and climbed up on 90 degree hill but it was a lot of adventures. My friends said it's not only climbing rocks, it is "Problem-Solve" sports. I like that idea. And I realized that there is nothing we can NOT do. There is always a solution for anything, it means we can't give up easily. And because we had friends to do this together, we solve the proble together, you know. it's a "good thing" lol. I am very happy that I went to Joshua Tree with my friends. That was a different NYE. I tend to go parties and just countdown. But not this time! I want to be a different, better person this year, so I started off just fine, I guess. :)


今回の大晦日は何か違うことをやりたいと思い、友達からのJoshua Tree (MAP)でのキャンプのお誘いに乗ってみることにしました。それまでどこでパーティーをしているかとかどのDJがどこでやるとかばっかり見てたけど、このお誘いを受けてからちょっと視点を変えて大晦日を過ごすことが出来たからとても嬉しい!






NYE 2008 at Joshua Tree - Photo Album (ここにフォトアルバムがあるよ☆)@ Flickr

Beautiful sunset

"We are the champion!!"


Rock climbing begins!

We've been through between rocks. This is fun!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008



I was totally depressed by the flat tired I made because I was late and rushing to my work...
I look back and re-think to myself that I am always lugging on time, lugging makes me rush, rush makes me have a trouble. Only in 2008, this happened to me at least twice. It cost me a lot of money too... My dad always tells me "don't be late, be on time. People think you are not responsible person if you are late all the time". It is so true. Sigh...
I need to adjust my biological clock a little bit forward so then I don't have to rush to things.
And it keeps me away from trouble... In December, I spent a lot of money just because I was careless... Boo to myself...

Just because I wanted to stop by the post office and send a package to my sister, and receive one package from my mom... But I got something nice in the package.
My mom sent me whole bunch of Japanese crackers, Earrings, Massage tool, Seaweed sheets, Family photos etc. This made me really happy and made my day. :)
Well, I got more better stuff going on at the end of the day but I will keep this unofficial. hehe

Happy New Year's, Everyone!! I wish your new year will be joyful! I will see you next year!!

今日はまじで凹みました。時間のマネージメントが上手くない私がいつものごとく計画もちゃんと立てず、ぼーっと家を出て郵便局に寄り、会社に遅れてるからと理由で急いで車で飛ばしてたら太陽の光で道のカーブが見えずにどーーーん!とパンク…。これには参りました。最近時間をちゃんと守らなきゃなと思いながらいつもずるずるとしてて、でもちろん遅れるからあーー急がんと!!と焦る。この焦りがいつもトラブルを引き起こすのです。この間だってチケット貰っちゃったし、、、で今回はタイヤのパンク…。自業自得…だらだら>遅れる>焦る>トラブル この輪をぶっ壊して、2009年から新たに自分をしゃんっと立たせてきっちり、しゃきんと行動を起したいと思います…。


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Old Photos...


For 2008, we only have 3 days left... Time goes fast as usual.. and when I look back, I ask myself if I achieved any of my goals... I had 5 goals this year, like cook often, read more, study about web design more, stop being lazy and keep cleanness in my rooms. Hmmm... I think I did all of them! I definitely cooked a lot. Thanks to Aya chan. Read more - yes, Study more -Mmm.. kinda yes, stop being lazy... - sometimes yes and no, and keep cleanness... I tried! Anyway, I was cleaning my house today, and look what I found. Old Photos!! Those glamour shots.. All the photography portfolio pieces.. I tried to organize and throw most of them away but I had to keep some of them. They mean a lot to me and I just can't make them as a garbage...

I still have a lot more stuff to organize but I only have a day to do this before 2008 is over! Can I make it? Can I not...??

またまた年末がやって参りました!早いな〜〜。30越えると本当に時間が経つのが早くなる!なんで??年末が来ると反省という意味で1年間を振り返るけど今年はちゃんと5つの目標を決めていてなるべく達成させようとがんばりました!掃除、勉強、読書、料理と多分全部制覇できたかな?(料理はあやちゃんに感謝!)ということで、今日その目標の一つ「掃除」をしようと思い、クローゼットの中を整理してたら、大学生の頃撮った写真がごろりごろりとた〜〜くさん出て来ました。ぎゃ〜、グラマーショット第2弾見つけちゃったし! (でも今回のは前回のよりもましだと思うが、、、)当時ポトフォリオに入れていた写真とかも含めて色々でてきて多分4年の間何百本と撮ったのにやっぱりネガティブを見るとその時どういう状態で撮ったのかとか場所はどこだったとか鮮明に思い出されて懐かしかった。ほとんど捨てる勢いで掃除を始めたのに、これを見てしまうとやっぱり捨てられない!!もう本当にだめなやつは今日捨てたり、Good Will(前の旦那の写真が立派な額に入ってやつも含めて...。どこにたどり着くんだろう、私のアートは、、、ふふふ、、、悪いことしちゃったかな、、、)に寄付したのもあります。しかし、思い出がたくさんありすぎる物に対して弱いよな、私って、、、。

It was 1996 when I went to Oahu, Hawaii for the first time with my friend.


My beautiful German friend, Birgit.

Self portrait shot. I was smoking then...

Around this time, I was experimenting with Polaroid in many ways.I still like this photo because it looks kind a painting even though my professor thought this was a crap.

この手法, 絵画のように出てくるから結構気に入って色々やってたんだけど、この頃の私の教授は認めてくれなかったなー。

I forgot her name.... but I met this French girl in 3D art class. I really thought she was intelligent and cool to hang out with so I decided to shoot her. I didn't use this photo for my portfolio piece though...

None of those photos made it to my portfolio by the way... I will put those good ones later. ;P