12-31-08 - 1-02-09
Happy New Year! to you all! I hope you guys had a great NYE and will have a greater year in 2009! Meg, Gabu chan and I took off on NYE to Joshua Tree (MAP). Luckly, my work let us go at 3PM so we were able to leave Los Angeles earlier than we expected. Since it only takes a couple hours to get to Joshua Tree, we had a dinner, and left like 7:30ish and took off. Although we didn't think we were gonna get lost to find Indian Cove Rd... We finally made it literally 5 mins before the midnight! Yes, we made it to the countdown!!! Phew!! We expected to be really really cold but it wasn't that cold after we layered ourselves like 4 layers. haha. I think it was like 38F degree at night. But we saw a lot of beautful stars, good food, a lot of alcohol and a lot of laughs, so everything was ok. Actually it was great!! In the daytime, we went hiking, and rock climbing. It wasn't like we used ropes and climbed up on 90 degree hill but it was a lot of adventures. My friends said it's not only climbing rocks, it is "Problem-Solve" sports. I like that idea. And I realized that there is nothing we can NOT do. There is always a solution for anything, it means we can't give up easily. And because we had friends to do this together, we solve the proble together, you know. it's a "good thing" lol. I am very happy that I went to Joshua Tree with my friends. That was a different NYE. I tend to go parties and just countdown. But not this time! I want to be a different, better person this year, so I started off just fine, I guess. :)
今回の大晦日は何か違うことをやりたいと思い、友達からのJoshua Tree (MAP)でのキャンプのお誘いに乗ってみることにしました。それまでどこでパーティーをしているかとかどのDJがどこでやるとかばっかり見てたけど、このお誘いを受けてからちょっと視点を変えて大晦日を過ごすことが出来たからとても嬉しい!
NYE 2008 at Joshua Tree - Photo Album (ここにフォトアルバムがあるよ☆)@ Flickr
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