Wednesday, December 31, 2008



I was totally depressed by the flat tired I made because I was late and rushing to my work...
I look back and re-think to myself that I am always lugging on time, lugging makes me rush, rush makes me have a trouble. Only in 2008, this happened to me at least twice. It cost me a lot of money too... My dad always tells me "don't be late, be on time. People think you are not responsible person if you are late all the time". It is so true. Sigh...
I need to adjust my biological clock a little bit forward so then I don't have to rush to things.
And it keeps me away from trouble... In December, I spent a lot of money just because I was careless... Boo to myself...

Just because I wanted to stop by the post office and send a package to my sister, and receive one package from my mom... But I got something nice in the package.
My mom sent me whole bunch of Japanese crackers, Earrings, Massage tool, Seaweed sheets, Family photos etc. This made me really happy and made my day. :)
Well, I got more better stuff going on at the end of the day but I will keep this unofficial. hehe

Happy New Year's, Everyone!! I wish your new year will be joyful! I will see you next year!!

今日はまじで凹みました。時間のマネージメントが上手くない私がいつものごとく計画もちゃんと立てず、ぼーっと家を出て郵便局に寄り、会社に遅れてるからと理由で急いで車で飛ばしてたら太陽の光で道のカーブが見えずにどーーーん!とパンク…。これには参りました。最近時間をちゃんと守らなきゃなと思いながらいつもずるずるとしてて、でもちろん遅れるからあーー急がんと!!と焦る。この焦りがいつもトラブルを引き起こすのです。この間だってチケット貰っちゃったし、、、で今回はタイヤのパンク…。自業自得…だらだら>遅れる>焦る>トラブル この輪をぶっ壊して、2009年から新たに自分をしゃんっと立たせてきっちり、しゃきんと行動を起したいと思います…。



Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Furry Lunchbox said...
