Monday, February 15, 2010

Yosemite National Park 02-13-10 > 02-15-10

02-13-10 - 02-15-10

My first Yosemite National Park was such a nice, pleasant experience to spend for the Valentine's Day. Not only Valentine's Day, the next day, 15th was my bf's birthday.
I enjoy and appreciate more to spend a special moment in beautiful nature lately.
I think it's more special, and memorable. And it's just nice to get away from the city anyway.

今週末はPresident's Dayに、バレンタインデー、それに彼の誕生日でもありました。

Yosemite Fall.

Half Dome

This is where we camped. We had some snow around our tent.
Inside of tent was pretty warm, and I didn't need to wear extra clothes for the night.


This is called "Bear Box". We can store our food there to protect ourselves and food from bears. I was told that Bear likes Beer. hahaha! That's funny but not funny if they really want to visit you!


We were going to Mirror Lake, but somehow we got off the track and heading to Vernal Fall.

Mirror Lakeというところにハイキングするはずが、なぜか、Vernal Fallという所へ行くはめに。これはこれでいいんだけどね。


Dave showed me where he has rock-climbed, and seems like he climbed all over in Yosemite.
Most of the wall were all straight, and as I've never had climbed on rock before, it seems to be crazy to do that on 90 degree angle...


The gate to the Vernal Falls was closed... but we wanted to see the falls, so we crossed it!
Vernal Fallsへ行く道が雪、氷などで覆われていて危ないとされ、クローズされていたんですが、私達はそんなの何のその...、門をくぐり抜けてハイキング続行。

Huge rocks make a gate to the fall.

In front of Vernal Fall. Stunning!

We haven't finished our hiking yet. We have further destination. :)
It was icy on stairs so I tried to be careful not to fall!

After about 30 min, we finally arrived to the top of the Vernal Fall. It was gorgeous!

I forgot to bring some water... but I got a great source right in front of me! The taste was great, so much better than the water I buy or get from my sink! Yummy!

Ahwahnee Hotel. It was really nice architecture inside. Built by stones, wood, steel etc... surrounded by all the nature material, it was just stunning.


A restaurant in the hotel. Its space was so beautiful. I would like to dine here someday. :)


I found these guys in the show window. I think they are dolls made by Native Americans. They are so cute though.

Dave cooks Valentine's Day dinner. Steak, potatoes, squash, some dessert and wine. It was soo good and I was drunk at the end! lol
デイブがバレンタインディナーを作ってくれたよ。ステーキに、ポテトに、デザートに、ワインに... とてもおいしかったし、最後は私はワイン飲みすぎて酔っぱらってしまい...。

This little cute monster was eating our power bars. Those little bags had bites every where...

Ask Dave about camping. He will show you everything! j/k :P
But he did cooking, making fire, taking me to tour in Yosemite... he did everything for me. That was a nice Valentine's Day. Thank you babe!

Look look!! The night sky at Yosemite just "wow..."ed me.
So stunning, and breath taking... My excellent camera was able to take some shots of night sky. Good job!
ぱっと上を向いたらジョシュアツリーよりももっとたくさんの星が... なんて贅沢なんでしょうね。私の優秀なカメラくんも一生懸命写真を撮ってくれました。良くぞ撮ってくれた!

Yosemite National Park: the official website>>