Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Local Natives

Local Natives - Airplanes


Lately I am hooked with a band is called "Local Natives". They are a local band from Silverlake, CA, and I think this band is one of the fastest growing band I've ever known.
They just released their debut album "Gorilla Manor" in this Feb, 2010. They had their residency at Spaceland and Silverlake Lounge for "free" every Monday like a few months back (I can't believe I missed those shows...)
And now, after they had a big break at SXSW, and Cochella, they became so popular that every shows they do was always sold out (I'm only talking about in Los Angeles), and their next show will be held at Henry Fonda in this September... This is just great. I love their music, and love to get to know that they are locals. and I love watching locals becomes so big.

I did go to one of the shows at the Bootleg Theatre though. Lately this venue started running to have good bands as well, and Local Natives also played here about 2 weeks ago (I will post the pic later on). At this show, their energy delivered to us so well that we were all together and excited to see their live. And I started to realize the front rows were filled by young girls screaming their names. I felt like I was in wrong crowd for an idol band or something for a sec. lol I am a bit confused with this type of fans but oh well, it's not my business I guess...

Only one thing that I did concern about was the lady next to me. She seemed to be around mid-40s or maybe closer to 50s. She danced a lot, sang a lot, sweat a lot and looked like she was having fun a lot. That's great! Even around her age, it IS a great thing to have a good time with a good music. I would like to be like that! However, what if I would be alone until her age, and I still show up at a live show by myself... that's a bit... sigh... never mind...

Btw, I am going to see Hot Hot Heat tonight at Bootleg. :)

最近結構お気に入りのバンド、Local Natives。Silverlake出身とあって身近な存在のバンドがデビューしたてなのに、こんなに急成長で育っているというのがとてもほくほくとして嬉しい。というか一言で「すごい」なって思ってます。
今年の2月にデビューアルバム「Gorilla Manor」を出したばかりで、数ヶ月前までSpaceland- (capacity: 260), Silverlake Lounge: (Capacity 176)-ローカルの小さなバーでここから大きく育つバンドもいくつかいます。Silversun Pickupsとかもそうだしーで毎週レジデンシーを無料で行っていたぐらいだったのに、今なんて毎回ライブをやると全部ソールドアウト(ロスだけの話だけど)、しかも今度は結構大きい(キャパ1500人)で9月にショーをやるそうです。SXSWとかCoachellaとかでブレイクしてからすごい人気ぶり!

この人たちのショーを2週間ほど前にBootleg Theatreというべニューで見に行ってきましたが、

でもね、もっと気になったのは私の隣に40代後半ぐらいのおばはんがきゃーきゃー言ってたこと。その年になっても音楽に夢中、バンドに夢中っていうのはとても素晴らしい! 気が済むまで踊りまくって、一緒に歌って…って…私も同じことしてる!! でもって、ふと考えると自分もこのぐらいの年になっても一人でいたら...って…これも知ったこっちゃないね。あーあー。

今晩はというと…BootlegでHot Hot Heat見に行ってきますー。

Local Natives - Wide Eyes

Local Natives - Sun Hands

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