Every morning, I always fix my bed before I leave my house to get to my work or wherever. But these few weeks, I started to notice someone makes his own bed around my pillow area and being comfy. Who is doing this?
I think I found the "guy" the other day. He came out from the darkness when I came back home. The spot was still warm, and the another cat, Olive was sleeping on my desk chair.
Nash knows how to make his own bed... :) And he loves to be warm in front of heater, in the sun, and... in my bed too now. What a cutie...
We just had another exciting Simian Mobile Disco (British DJ - Electro House) duo night in Los Angeles. At this time, they held a great music at the Mayan in downtown LA. The sounds was great, and their new album was awesome although the crowds were different from last time at Henry Fonda. It seems like we had more younger crowd this time. As usual, Meg and I were standing right in front of the stage to feel great energy of the artists however, we got too much energy from teenagers who were around us... Was it just because we are just getting old or SMD is getting really popular..? I think it's ... both... Sigh... I could had handle better if this was a year ago...
"When you are in younger crowds, you have to know (or remember) what you'll get in to. If you think you can't handle it, just get out of it before you hurt yourself or hurt them..." When I think of this, I thought to myself "OMG... I'm getting really old..." lol
Anyway, the show was great. However, this might be the last time to go to electronica show, at least for this year. I would love to go and see any cool bands however I am not sure if I can handle younger ones anymore, sadly...
It has been already 3 years at least since NY based Vampire Weekend had debut album, "Vampire Weekend" out. And they even had a tour with the Shins in 2007 (I didn't get to go that one...). Because why don't I know this band?? I just got to know about their brand new song "Cousin" through MTV.com today... Shame shame shame... Somehow the vocalist got my attention by his interesting fashion and look, so I had to check it out. I'm glad I got to know them. They got some pretty good overall sound (indie pop) and a little of touch of Dance Punk sometimes. I like'em. If you like Arctic Monkeys or Foals (I know they are a bit different from each other), you probably like them too.
Now they are coming to Los Angeles in January, 2010. I'm pretty sure I will check'em out. And their new album "Contra" will be released in Jan 12th 2010. I'm looking forward to it.
My concert buddies, Meg, Gabu chan, and I went to Henry Fonda to see Fever Ray on this Wednesday. If you know the Knife, the vocalist Karin Elisabeth Dreijer Andersson formed this band, Fever Ray as her solo band in 2009. She got very characteristic voice and unique sounds that she holds a lot of fans. And this night was obviously sold out.
I am always curious the opening band as well to find out what's new, and who's hot for me. And Gabu chan sent me the YouTube link of Nosaj Thing. It was the opening band for Fever Ray. And this guy is pretty pretty good.
I checked the songs before I went to the show, and as soon as his show started I was surprised he was an Asian guy. Since Fever Ray is from Sweden, Nosaj Thing is also Swedish too. (His name sounds Swedish too, no? lol)
But all the music he mixes and plays sound sooo good. It sounds so pure, and beautiful.
And I got a special bonus to myself. I found out Nosaj Thing is my friend's friend and I have hung out with him for a few times... I didn't know he creates music like this but I am very happy to find out a friend with a great talent is in a circle of my life. :)
今週の水曜日、ヘンリーフォンダにてFever Ray と Nosaj Thingを観に行って来ました。 The Knifeをご存知の方はお分かりかと思われますが、このボーカル、Karin Elisabeth Dreijer Andersson がソロデビューし、ソロバンド名がFever Rayです。彼女の歌声にとても特徴があり、私はそれに魅了されて観に行った訳ですが、Fever Rayよりも興奮したのが彼女の前座、Nosaj Thing. いつも前座もチェックするのが私の楽しみで、良いバンドを発見できるので、興奮します。
I finally found Burrata cheese at my neighborhood super market, Gelson's. Gelson's is kind of a luxury, high-end super market but I know I won't find it at my local Ralph's or Vons... So I gave it a try, and here it is! :D
Well, actually this is my 2nd Burrata... hehe. I made a casual pizza for the Lunch Club, and it came out good (hopefully...). And now Dave made me a really delicious Margherita Pizza with Burrata. He named it "Burrata Margherita Pizza"... Mmm... it doesn't sound original.. but oh well, it's alright! He even made a pizza sauce from scratch! It was amazing.
This is how it comes with in package. こうやって売られてました。
This is the 1st casual pizza. It was good. これが第1回目のピザ。おいしかったな、これも。
We got the dough from Trader Joe's. It's about $2. And his original pizza sauce. ピザのドーはTrader Joe'sで。約2ドルでした。 で、彼のオリジナルピザソース。
He is putting some delicious Tomatoes in order. Yellow, red, orange... All of them were so sweet. おいしいあま〜い、トマトを順番に並べていきます。
And we put Prociutto on top of Tomatoes and Basil. Mmm... Yummy! We put the Burrata at very end like last 2 min since it melts so fast. 生ハムをトマトとバジルの上に。生ハムを並べるのを手伝ってたら向きが違うらしく、いちいち直されたよ。。。細かいやっちゃのう〜〜。 Burrataチーズは一番最後に乗せた。すぐに形がなくなって溶けちゃうから、最後の2分間ぐらいだけピザの上に乗せて焼きました。
It took about 15 min to bake in oven. It came out perfect! Check the pic at the very beginning!
After about 1hour, finally we can get to eat! Bon Appetit! I the one said "let's make pizza!" but he the one ended up cooking it... lol Thanks for cooking, Dave! 約1時間後、や〜っと食べれる!いただきます〜〜〜。 ピザを作ろう〜〜!と言い始めたのは私だったのに、結局作るはめになった彼、、、。申し訳ないね、、、。次回はちゃんと作ります。ごちそうさまでした〜。
I went to San Francisco 2 weeks ago for my friend's wedding. For one night, one of my good friend in SF took me and other friends to this one restaurant, it's called "Beretta" in Mission district. This Italian restaurant was sooooooo good that I want to go back there again. Those friends who I was with were all gourmet and they know what's good and not in food and wine. I enjoy those type of company very much since I love to eat, and love to find out good new stuff.
So, this time, they introduced me to a new type of cheese (well, at least for me), Burrata cheese. That is the time I fell in love with... this cheese. It was on Margherita pizza. Oh my god.... the cheese was soooo creamy, soft, and a little bit on sweet size that that was how I liked. I just can't forget about how soft it was. Mmmm.... I just have to find it and make some pasta or something. I have to have it.
According to wiki: Burrata is a fresh Italian cheese, made from mozzarella and cream. The outer shell is solid mozzarella while the inside contains both mozzarella and cream, giving it a unique soft texture. It is usually served fresh, at room temperature. The name "burrata" means "buttered" in Italian.
(I borrowed some pics from google search result.... I don't know how you call the dish on the top pic but I know the cheese on top of the food is Burrata.
Here is the blog I borrowed from>> This person describes Burrata costs a little bit pricy side. I wonder how much it cost... I should find it at Whole Foods.)
Hours: They are open 7 days a week Monday through Friday: dinner 5:30pm to 1:00am Saturday & Sunday: brunch, lunch & dinner 11:00am to 1:00am bar open late.
Oh wow, I don't even know when I updated my blog last time... Sorry, I've been lazy and super busy at the same time. When I am tired, I just don't want to look at computer anymore. I want to get out, and get some fresh air, you know! ;)
Anyways, lately the several blazes are just non stop... because of that, we got heat and bad air... In the day time, I think it gets up to 103 °F or something. I am not sure but I know it's really hot for end of August. My cats they don't have an appetite. Poor things...
I put 3 fans basically for cats. Both of them like to laying down in front of them. So cute... :) I hope Fall will come soon...
新鮮な空気なんて今結構ありえないぐらい、ロサンゼルスのAngeles National Forest燃えてます。この間なんて空気が本当に火事の臭いしててそれで朝起きたぐらいひどい時もありました。まだまだ燃えてるみたいです。夜になると北の方向を見ると空が赤いですから。。。 早く火が消える日が近づくといいな。これは放火なのか、それとも乾燥しすぎて摩擦等で起きた火事なのか。。。ちょっと考えたくもないですけど、放火だったら絶対に許せん!でも犯罪者の中ではそういうのを見て興奮する人がいるっていうから、信じられないですよね。。。
I've been super busy lately at my work and private time... I just don't have enough time to write about my trip in Europe... But I know some people are waiting for me to write. So I just decided to write one by one. I was trying to write whole thing, that's why I gave a pressure to myself. No good.
Anyway, back to Europe trip. One of events I really wanted to do during the stay in London was to see Banksy's street art. I love his concept, his sarcasm (not in all of them though), humor and twisted mind. I don't see much street art which impresses me but his art is different.
His art exhibition in Bristol (It takes about 2 hours to North West from London by train) was free to enter, and he provided a LOT of art pieces. At the Bristol Museum, they had his art on 1st floor. And we thought it was it and on 2nd and 3rd floor, they had something else. However, as we forwarded ourselves to another floor, we started to notice something different, something that they seem like they don't belong there and it says "Local Artist" on tags. Hmm... Something doesn't look right... And later on we figured out the "Local Artist" WAS Banksy. The reason why it says "Local Artist" was that's where he is from! :D
This exhibition will last til August 31st. If any of you are planning to go to London, please take extra trip to go to Bristol, and see his exhibition. You won't regret it!
BTW, this city, Bristol was really cute little cozy town. We thought it was like San Fransisco.
My buddy, Meg and I finally took a Europe trip for 2 weeks. The main reason to be in Europe, especially in London was Blur concert. Since they were reunited and we got to know they were having some shows in London, we finally made a decision to go there. It was unusual but great trip that we decided to see a band first and got air plain tickets next...
We stayed in London for 5 days. We did a general sight seeing such as Big Ben, the Parliament, London Bridge, Baker Street, Harrods, the Buckingham Palace, Fish n' Chips, Stonehenge, Windsor Castle, blah blah blah. You will see some pics below... But the most memorable thing we did was of course Blur in Hyde Park and the street artist, Banksy exhibition in Bristol. We love Banksy's art that we even walked in London and looked for the art. We thought we would find 2 of them, but we couldn't find what we were looking for. However we found some another art from him. We were so happy to find it!
In front of Buckingham Palace with English Police men. バッキンガム宮殿で警察官とw。
At Hyde Park. We saw Black Swans. Beautiful garden... ハイドパークで。黒い白鳥を見かけました。
We were so lucky to have this nice sunshine in London. While we were there, we didn't get rained at all. ロンドンで全く霧も雨も降らず、めちゃくちゃラッキーだなーと思った。パリに行くまでずっと晴れだったよ。
Guinness and Shepherd Pie. Guinness Beer was so sweet and easy to drink. The food was just ok.... ギネスビールとシェパードパイ。ギネスが甘くて飲みやすかった!パイはまずまず。。。
We thought the telephone booth was sooo cute! So I opened the door and took one shot... but... smelled like pee inside! Ewwww! かわいーーーと思って写真を1枚ぱちり。。。でもドアを開けた途端、おしっこの臭い。。。皆さん、もし見かけても入らないほうがいいですよ。。。
Pretty sunset.. We were about to go jogging. サンセットがきれい。この後ホテルの周辺でジョギングをしました。
At Windsor Castle. Cute brass band was playing in front of castle. ウィンドサー城で。かわいい吹奏楽隊が城前で演奏してました。.
They used to use this for attacking enemy with bows. ここから弓で敵と戦ったそうです。
At Bath. This is the origin of Bath! バースで。ここがお風呂の源だとか。。。
At Stonehenge. We expected it was much bigger than the reality. But we are lucky to see it anyway! :D ストーヘンジで。超見たかったストーンヘンジでしたが、思ったよりも小さくて。。。あれ??こんなものなんだ。。。とちょっとショックでした。でも見れただけでもラッキー。
After the Windsor Castle - Bath - Stonehenge tour, we stopped by Indian restaurant. This place was gooooood! ツアーの後でインド料理。これは超おいしかったー。
Found it!! Banksy!! After we walked like an hour and looked for one, here it is! やーっと見つけた、Banksyのアート!これこれーー。でも他のを歩き探して1時間ほど。。。やーっと1個発見って感じだった。他のはどこにあったんだろう。。。消されてしまったんだろうか。。。
At Buckingham Palace. Changing guards. バッキンガム宮殿で。兵隊の行進。かわいー。
07/02/09 Blur at the Hyde Park. We were so close to the stage that we were separated as soon as Blur came out. And I was pushed and pushed by so many people that I couldn't even breathe... I found out someone was trying to steal something from my bag. I prevented before he got it so it was ok. I had to leave from the crowd immediately... The opening band: Hypnotics, Crystal Castle, Foals. ハイドパークでBlurのコンサート。ステージに近かったせいでBlurが出てきた途端ものすごい人にもみくちゃにされました。息ができなかった。。もみくちゃのついでに誰かが私のバッグから何か取ろうとするところを発見。肘鉄砲食わせてやりました。。。ふー危ない!そこから速攻抜け出し。。。
There were more than 50,000 people were at Hyde Park to see Blur. It was insane. 5万以上の人がハイドパークでBlurを観に来たそうです。
The Parklife guy came out! We were all excited to see him! 「Parklife」の人が登場!大興奮です!
Encore, Encore!!
It was sad that they had to end their show... I wanted them to keep going and going... 終わっちゃうのが超悲しかったー。もっともっとやって欲しかったー。
Ok... now I have to look for Megumi... Where the h*** is she?? Can't see a thing... ショーが始まった途端はぐれためぐっぺを探しに打ち合わせした場所へ。。。でも暗くて見えない!めぐっぺはいずこへ。。。
Ok... Seriously where is she? んーどこかねー。
Finally I found her... and we are walking toward to a metro station... People are still excited about the show and singing "Parklife". やーっとめぐっぺ発見。駅へ向かう途中、ファンは皆まだ興奮して「Parklife」を歌ってました。
Blur: Parklife
To be continued to London Part 2... ロンドン Part2 に続く...
Thanks for visiting Furry Lunchbox(I was told this name means something else but I didn't mean to make it in xxx way...). Life is too short to make worries... I love to have fun, hang out with people I love and have a good food. :) My 2nd life just started, yea, pretty brand-new one. So, I've gotta have a positive energy and thinking to re-find my life, goal, and... you know what else ;).
Furry Lunchboxに色んな意味が詰め込まれてます(ちょっとアダルト的な意味があるそうですが、そんなんじゃないので、、、あしからず。Furry=うちの猫にちなんで。Lunchbox=
楽しんで行きたいです。Furry Lunchboxを訪れてくれてありがとー!