My concert buddies Meg+Gabu chan and I went to see Metronomy at El Rey on Wednesday night. This is my first concert in 2009! Since we didn't have any show to see until March, and concerts were like my drug... I started shaking! haha j/k. :P But seriously, I miss going to see a show (even though I already went like 3 shows last months lol), and I had to "find" one. And there it is. I found it! This electronic music group, "Metronomy" wasn't on my music list however I found them through Tickemaster or Live Nation mail magazine. Immediately I liked their sound, and I passed the link to Meg. She liked it too. So here we were at El Rey, we totally enjoyed the show.
According to Wiki, they are from UK, and have been playing since 1999. They are accomplished a lot of remixes for such as Klaxons, Ladytron, Franz Ferdinand, Zero 7, the Young Knives etc... and they were opener for Klaxons, Bloc Party, CSS, Justic etc... and then they finally became headliner in 2008 and started their tour. No wonder they looked like they were not used to be on stage or something... But that's a good thing they finally became a headliner! They have original albums which are Pip Paine (Pay The £5000 You Owe), and Nights Out. I like Nights Out. This is a fun album.
でもこのMetronomy, かわいいエレクトロニックな音を出してるでないの。ウィキを読んでたらこのバンド、イギリス出身で99年から活動を初めてるらしいですが、他のバンドのリミックス(Klaxons, Ladytron, Franz Ferdinand, Zero 7, the Young Knives)で知られてるみたいで、オープニングバンドとしてはコンサートに出てたらしいですが(Klaxons, Bloc Party, CSS, Justicなどの前座)、やっとヘッドライナーとして活動が始められたのがなんと去年!なんと!!ライブを見てる時になんかかわいいというか、初々しさが伝わってきて、「あれ、デビューしたて?」って思えるほどハニカミな感じが伝わってきました。オリジナルアルバム、Pip Paine (Pay The £5000 You Owe), と Nights Out 2枚も出してるのにね。 でもこれからさ!良い音を出してるから売れると思うぞ!私は去年だした「Nights Out」好きです。
Metronomy: Myspace (ここに載ってる「A Thing for Me Breakbot Remix」と「A Thing for Me Sinden Remix」超おすすめ!)
Metronomy: "Trick or Treatz"
Metronomy: "Radio ladio"
Metronomy: A Thing for Me (I want to join in this video! This looks fun!! lol なんか楽しそうだな〜。)
Their performance was a bit crazy but using the fabric, and made some illusion.. that was cool.
前座:The Mae Shi (メーシって誰かが発音してた...。めーし?飯?名刺??)どっから来たのよ、その名前!
このバンドの音楽はちょっと激しかったかな。でもボーカルがちょっと狂ってそうで面白かったww あとこの布を使ってちょっとしたイリュージョンをクリエイトしてたのは楽しかった。参加型のライブはいつも歓迎ですww
They are going to open for Matt+Kim at Troubadour on Feb 04.
I think their music suits more to Matt + Kim than Metronomy...
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