Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I was totally depressed by the flat tired I made because I was late and rushing to my work...
I look back and re-think to myself that I am always lugging on time, lugging makes me rush, rush makes me have a trouble. Only in 2008, this happened to me at least twice. It cost me a lot of money too... My dad always tells me "don't be late, be on time. People think you are not responsible person if you are late all the time". It is so true. Sigh...
I need to adjust my biological clock a little bit forward so then I don't have to rush to things.
And it keeps me away from trouble... In December, I spent a lot of money just because I was careless... Boo to myself...
Just because I wanted to stop by the post office and send a package to my sister, and receive one package from my mom... But I got something nice in the package.
My mom sent me whole bunch of Japanese crackers, Earrings, Massage tool, Seaweed sheets, Family photos etc. This made me really happy and made my day. :)
Well, I got more better stuff going on at the end of the day but I will keep this unofficial. hehe
Happy New Year's, Everyone!! I wish your new year will be joyful! I will see you next year!!
今日はまじで凹みました。時間のマネージメントが上手くない私がいつものごとく計画もちゃんと立てず、ぼーっと家を出て郵便局に寄り、会社に遅れてるからと理由で急いで車で飛ばしてたら太陽の光で道のカーブが見えずにどーーーん!とパンク…。これには参りました。最近時間をちゃんと守らなきゃなと思いながらいつもずるずるとしてて、でもちろん遅れるからあーー急がんと!!と焦る。この焦りがいつもトラブルを引き起こすのです。この間だってチケット貰っちゃったし、、、で今回はタイヤのパンク…。自業自得…だらだら>遅れる>焦る>トラブル この輪をぶっ壊して、2009年から新たに自分をしゃんっと立たせてきっちり、しゃきんと行動を起したいと思います…。
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Old Photos...
For 2008, we only have 3 days left... Time goes fast as usual.. and when I look back, I ask myself if I achieved any of my goals... I had 5 goals this year, like cook often, read more, study about web design more, stop being lazy and keep cleanness in my rooms. Hmmm... I think I did all of them! I definitely cooked a lot. Thanks to Aya chan. Read more - yes, Study more -Mmm.. kinda yes, stop being lazy... - sometimes yes and no, and keep cleanness... I tried! Anyway, I was cleaning my house today, and look what I found. Old Photos!! Those glamour shots.. All the photography portfolio pieces.. I tried to organize and throw most of them away but I had to keep some of them. They mean a lot to me and I just can't make them as a garbage...
I still have a lot more stuff to organize but I only have a day to do this before 2008 is over! Can I make it? Can I not...??
またまた年末がやって参りました!早いな〜〜。30越えると本当に時間が経つのが早くなる!なんで??年末が来ると反省という意味で1年間を振り返るけど今年はちゃんと5つの目標を決めていてなるべく達成させようとがんばりました!掃除、勉強、読書、料理と多分全部制覇できたかな?(料理はあやちゃんに感謝!)ということで、今日その目標の一つ「掃除」をしようと思い、クローゼットの中を整理してたら、大学生の頃撮った写真がごろりごろりとた〜〜くさん出て来ました。ぎゃ〜、グラマーショット第2弾見つけちゃったし! (でも今回のは前回のよりもましだと思うが、、、)当時ポトフォリオに入れていた写真とかも含めて色々でてきて多分4年の間何百本と撮ったのにやっぱりネガティブを見るとその時どういう状態で撮ったのかとか場所はどこだったとか鮮明に思い出されて懐かしかった。ほとんど捨てる勢いで掃除を始めたのに、これを見てしまうとやっぱり捨てられない!!もう本当にだめなやつは今日捨てたり、Good Will(前の旦那の写真が立派な額に入ってやつも含めて...。どこにたどり着くんだろう、私のアートは、、、ふふふ、、、悪いことしちゃったかな、、、)に寄付したのもあります。しかし、思い出がたくさんありすぎる物に対して弱いよな、私って、、、。
It was 1996 when I went to Oahu, Hawaii for the first time with my friend.
My beautiful German friend, Birgit.
Self portrait shot. I was smoking then...
Around this time, I was experimenting with Polaroid in many ways.I still like this photo because it looks kind a painting even though my professor thought this was a crap.
この手法, 絵画のように出てくるから結構気に入って色々やってたんだけど、この頃の私の教授は認めてくれなかったなー。
I forgot her name.... but I met this French girl in 3D art class. I really thought she was intelligent and cool to hang out with so I decided to shoot her. I didn't use this photo for my portfolio piece though...
None of those photos made it to my portfolio by the way... I will put those good ones later. ;P
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Darker My Love Part 2 @ the Echoplex
I went to see 2nd time of Darker My Love at the Echoplex last night with my buddy Meg, Gabu chan, Yuki+Miles and Taka. That was a fun night. We got to know a new band "Christmas Island" who didn't make it to the show since they were late 30min.. and "the Muslims". They sound like post-punk type of music. Meg and I liked the band as well. But the main band, Darker My Love didn't betray our expectation, and they gave us a full of energy show. But one or two things I was dissapointed about...: 1. They didn't play "White Comosition" which is my favorite song, 2. They didn't do encore.... whaaat! I talked to the keyboard player, Will afterward of the show, and he said doing encore is gay!! Boo! I hope he was just kidding... :(
今回で2回目のDarker My LoveをEcho ParkにあるEchoplexで見て来ました。前座のthe Muslimsも良かった!本当はその前の前座のChristmas Islandも期待していたんだけど、結局うちらが遅れたもんで見ることが出来ず、、、。っていうか、話を聞いたらそいつら30分も遅刻したそうで、、、ありえん!せっかくCDとか買いたかったのになーー、、、。
ま、それはいいとして、Darker My Love,一番前に陣とって聞いていたせいかあんまり声が聴こえん、、っていう部分がたまにあったんだけど、それを忘れたら期待を裏切ることなく良いステージを見せてくれました。でもまー100%期待に答えてくれた訳ではなかったなー。
1つは私の大好きな曲"White Composition"をプレイしてくれなかったこと。2つ目はアンコールがなかったこと!なに??アンコールのないメインバンドっていなくない!?ぶー!って
思っていた矢先、Darker My LoveのCDを買おうと思ったらバンドメンバーがいるでないの!キーボードのウィルって言う人と話すチャンスがあったからその人にアンコールどうしたの?White Compositionどうしたの?って聞いたら、アンコールはださいよーっていうお答えが、、、。そんな答えが返ってくるとは、、寂しいです。White Compositionは自分もやりたかったけど、今回のスケジュールに入ってなかったと、、、。泣
Darker My Love: Myspace
Christmas Island: Myspace
I love his voice: Darker My Love's Tim
The other members of Darker My Love
The Song list of Darker My Love
Opening Band: the Muslims
with my concert buddies
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Best Thai Food in Los Angeles: Ruen Pair
For all this time, I thought the Best Thai in Los Angeles was either "Palms" or "RCA" which are just around the corner from my house. Since my friends and I were talking about Thai today at lunch (was it today or yesterday..? I don't even remember..), I was craving for it, and took my friend who helped me to setup my brand new TV, to dinner tonight. I didn't understand why everyone talk about Ruen Pair which is also around the corner from my house at the beginning. I had been there before, and I wasn't impressed by the food at all. However, I thought to myself, I should give'em another try. And... I don't even know what happened.. It was GOOOOOOOD!! We ordered Tom Ka Kai (Chicken Coconut Soup), Chinese Broccoli stir fried with crispy pork, and green curry. Mmmmm... YUMMY!!! Sorry, I have to admit that I was wrong before. I like them very very much now. My friend told me that the native Thai people's No.1 choice here at Reun Pair.
今までずーーーーっと、ロスにあるタイ料理は絶対にPalmsかRCAどちらとも家の裏側にあるレストランだけど、どっちかが絶対に一番おいしいと思ってた。でも昨日か今日か忘れたけど、友達とランチをしている時にこのRuen Pairというレストランの話が上がって、今までおいしくないって思ってたレストランだったけどちょっとやっぱりもう一度試してみたくなった。丁度、他の友達が仕事の後、私の新テレビをセットアップしてくれるということで家に来てくれることになってたからその後、おごるつもりで連れて行きました。で、で、で、トムカカイ(チキンココナッツスープ)、クリスピーポーク+チャイニーズブロッコリー炒めにグリーンカレーとオーダーしたら、なんと、、おいしいでないのーー!自分の過ち、認めます。友達の話によるとここがタイ人が選ぶナンバー1のレストランだそうです。へーーー、やっぱりその国の人達が選ぶレストランって日本食もそうだけど、信用できるね。ふむふむ。
皆様、ぜひ、行ってきてください。後悔させません!笑 夜中だと言うのに、まだまだおなかいっぱいだよーー。
Reun Pair Restaurant
5257 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90027-4912
Phone: (323) 466-0153 CASH ONLY!!!
Green Curry (front)
Tom Ka Kai (behind)
Chinese Broccolli Stir Fried with Crispy Pork
(this is my favorite!!)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Twelves @ Dragonfly
Meg and I were waiting for this moment: to see The Twelves at Dragonfly! This was their first gig in Los Angeles ever, and they made a great show! They are from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. and I read some blogs that they are super big DJ over there. It's just their beat, drum, synth that they created are irresistible. You can just dance all night until they stopped playing! I really really enjoyed their music, and I want them to come back again. It was funny that I found Binary Party blog right before we went to the show. We totally thought we just needed to get tix at the door but I just happened to found a blog says you need RSVP to get in. And I found another article, if you were first person to email them, you would win 2 tix! I was very doubtful I wasn't gonna win since it was so last minute... but I WON!! Woo Hoo!! Meg and I were so lucky to see them for free! :D And we even talked and took some pics with one of the Twelves. He was super super nice!
Thanks for telling me this such a great DJ, Meg!
とうとう、The Twelvesのショーを見に行ってきちゃいました!待ちに待ったThe Twelves!! めぐっぺがこんなDJ来るけど行くーー?と聞いてくれてMyspaceをチェックした日以来、もう私はThe Twelvesが作る音にぞっこんとなりました。優しい音なんだけど、ドラム、シンセ、そのビートが交わる音が超踊りやすい!踊らなくてはいられない状態を作り上げちゃいます。彼らが出て来て、終わるまで踊りっぱなし...。 今回がロスでの初ギグという彼らはブラジルはリオ・デ・ジャネイロ出身で、超大人気DJだそうです。Dragonflyも超盛り上がってました! 思わないところからこのチケットをただでもらってしまった私達はThe Twelvesの片割れと話すこともでき、写真も撮らせてもらうことも出来、超感動した夜になりました〜。 あ〜楽しかったわ〜。
The Twelves: Myspace
Dragonfly Night Club
6510 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90038
One of the opening DJs: Keenhouse.
He wasn't bad at all, actually we liked him a lot!
The very first DJ: Nightwaves was sucked.. they shouldn't sing..
Keenhouse: Myspace
With one of the Twelves. I don't know his name! They don't even have a website..?? Can I make it for you?? lol
Monday, December 8, 2008
Friendly Fires @ Spacelands
This time, I went to see Friendly Fires at Spacelands in Silverlake with my friend, Shi-Shi.
This band is from St. Albans, UK and the members are Ed Mac, Jack Savidge and Edd Gibson.
Their music sounds like Keane with Electronica. I really like how Ed sings, very energetic, and pretty awesome (and so cute! lol).
They were soaking sweaty but still jump up and down, and performed their best for us. It was awesome awesome show. Ed was even came down from stage and danced and sang for us. That was pretty cool too. I had a lot of good time with this band. Unfortunately I left my digital camera at home... So, I used my iPhone but couldn't take that much this time... :( Shi-Shi chan, thanks for coming with me! That was a lot of fun with ya!
今回はイギリス出身のFriendly FiresをSilverlakeにあるSpacelandsにてしほちゃんと見に行ってきました。もうこのバンド、超エネルギッシュで汗をがんがんかきながらも一生懸命歌って踊って、観客を楽しませてくれました!Ed Mac, Jack Savidge and Edd Gibsonの3人でこのバンドは構成されてますが、ボーカルのEdくんは歌唱力抜群だと思います。なんかKeaneを思い出させるような歌声なんだけど、音はもうエレクトロニカも入ってるし、ロックも入ってるしで、超良い!!。途中で、Edくんがステージから降りて私達の目の前で踊って歌ってくれたり、サービス精神も抜群。一緒に踊って歌って歌もよし、サウンドもよし、パーカッションも最高でこれは結構◎なショーだったよ。でもふつつかな者の私は今回に限ってなぜかデジカメ忘れた…。なのでiPhoneで取ってみたけど、デジカメのようには撮れず…。がっくり…。ま~でも楽しかったんだから、それでいいね!
Friendly Fires: Myspace
Spacelands: 1717 Silver Lake Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027 Directions here>>
They were all soaking sweat!!
This is Funeral Party. They sound like The Strokes a bit. But they did pretty good. I like them.
このバンドはオープニングバンドの一つ:Funeral Party。
Funeral Party: Myspace
Friendly Fires: "Paris" The vocalist, Ed is soo cute!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sales Info /お得情報
Does everyone know about It's a search engine Microsoft launched and trying to be a rival to Google (ya, good luck..). I got this info from my co-worker that if you want to buy something from Ebay, you should go through first.
They will give you 20% off if it's eligible. I wanted to say good-bye to my 14 years old TV which I paid like $200, and I got 37" Vizio LCD TV for $411. It's pretty cheap deal, right?
If you are interested, you should check it out now before the deal is over!!
Search the item you want to find in ebay
Click the "Live Search Cashback" on your item
Choose what you want
Proceed to pay (you will see how much you are saving by Microsoft discount)
You have to pay through Pay Pal in order to receive this discount though!
I hope you will get some great deal! Good Luck!
Oh btw, today is my niece's birthday! Happy Birthday, Baby Yu!
"Live Search Cashback" っていうのがそのアイテムの横にでてくるので、それをクリック。
で購入手続きをすると後にマイクロソフトがどれだけCashbackしてくれるのかディスカウント料金がでてくる。それにFree Shippingがついてるアイテムを選択するともっとお得!
でも最近出費が多くて多くて…。泣 もっとフリーの仕事入ってこないかな…。
あ、今日はめいっこの誕生日だ。お誕生日おめでとう、Baby Yu!
Does everyone know about It's a search engine Microsoft launched and trying to be a rival to Google (ya, good luck..). I got this info from my co-worker that if you want to buy something from Ebay, you should go through first.
They will give you 20% off if it's eligible. I wanted to say good-bye to my 14 years old TV which I paid like $200, and I got 37" Vizio LCD TV for $411. It's pretty cheap deal, right?
If you are interested, you should check it out now before the deal is over!!
Search the item you want to find in ebay
Click the "Live Search Cashback" on your item
Choose what you want
Proceed to pay (you will see how much you are saving by Microsoft discount)
You have to pay through Pay Pal in order to receive this discount though!
I hope you will get some great deal! Good Luck!
Oh btw, today is my niece's birthday! Happy Birthday, Baby Yu!
"Live Search Cashback" っていうのがそのアイテムの横にでてくるので、それをクリック。
で購入手続きをすると後にマイクロソフトがどれだけCashbackしてくれるのかディスカウント料金がでてくる。それにFree Shippingがついてるアイテムを選択するともっとお得!
でも最近出費が多くて多くて…。泣 もっとフリーの仕事入ってこないかな…。
あ、今日はめいっこの誕生日だ。お誕生日おめでとう、Baby Yu!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Yummy! / これは発見!
It's already turned in December... A few more weeks and 2008 is over! Time flies as always.
This Fall/Winter has been warm, and lately finally it started to winterish. Yay!
So as of my turn to make a lunch tomorrow, I thought I should cook some typical Japanese stuff. Grilled fish, boiled spinach with bonito flakes, and this Konnyaku with lemony miso sauce. Mmm... this is sooo good. I know for sure this type of sauce is already existed. Miso, little bit of fish bouillon, sake and lemon juice. I just used lemon instead of Yuzu, just because I had it home. Now, I may use this sauce for anything like on meat, fish, and vegies... hehe.
By the way, I found this Youtube: Stone Roses "I wanted be Adored". Man, they played in Sydney, Australia this year! I wanted to be there and sing this song with everyone else there!!
But I thought they were broke up...
あ、Stone Rosesの「I wanted be Adored」のビデオを発見。ちょっと、シドニーで今年、プレイしてるじゃないの!!超、超、みたい!!Stone Roses様!!!皆とこうやって一緒に歌って、一体化したい!!あ〜、これ見てるだけでも興奮する!!でもさ、解散してなかったっけ?
It's already turned in December... A few more weeks and 2008 is over! Time flies as always.
This Fall/Winter has been warm, and lately finally it started to winterish. Yay!
So as of my turn to make a lunch tomorrow, I thought I should cook some typical Japanese stuff. Grilled fish, boiled spinach with bonito flakes, and this Konnyaku with lemony miso sauce. Mmm... this is sooo good. I know for sure this type of sauce is already existed. Miso, little bit of fish bouillon, sake and lemon juice. I just used lemon instead of Yuzu, just because I had it home. Now, I may use this sauce for anything like on meat, fish, and vegies... hehe.
By the way, I found this Youtube: Stone Roses "I wanted be Adored". Man, they played in Sydney, Australia this year! I wanted to be there and sing this song with everyone else there!!
But I thought they were broke up...
あ、Stone Rosesの「I wanted be Adored」のビデオを発見。ちょっと、シドニーで今年、プレイしてるじゃないの!!超、超、みたい!!Stone Roses様!!!皆とこうやって一緒に歌って、一体化したい!!あ〜、これ見てるだけでも興奮する!!でもさ、解散してなかったっけ?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Push Push Push..
I haven't been pushed myself this far for a long time... Wake up at 6:30am, work overtime at work, and come back home and work late again till middle of the night everyday lately including weekend... Work hard, party hard.. that's what I wished I could say, but lately work hard.. and work hard..
And now it's raining, and I had to walk in rain after I got off from metro station. I felt nice.. but I was soaking wet. lol Urgh, I'm so tired.. I need some rest but I have to push myself more so then I can finish my project on time. When can I finally get a rest??? I know I'm complaining but I still like what I do though! :P
I just had a really good idea for dinner tonight though: Natto Sandwich! hehe. I wanted to have natto beans so badly tonight, but didn't have cooked rice.. So, I had bread instead. It wasn't bad at all! lol Anyone who has an interest, you should try it!
こんなに自分を体力の限界ってとこまでプッシュしたことが最近なかった近頃、本業、残業、そして家帰ってまた仕事、、、みたいな日々が最近続いてます(出かける時は出かけるんだけどね。へへ)。疲れたからちょっと横になろうかな、、、って思う時がたまにありますが、そんなことをしたら絶対に仕事終わらない!しかも期限近づいてるし!無理は禁物と分かってるけど、出来るところまで自分をプッシュしないと約束が守れない、、、。は〜、疲れた〜、おなかすいた〜〜。しかも仕事から帰ってきて地下鉄の駅降りたらざーざーと雨降ってるし!!ずぶぬれになりながら家に帰って食べたのが、この納豆サンド。納豆が超食べたかったけど、ご飯炊いてなくて、でも炊いてる暇ないし、、、と思ってささっと作ってみたら結構おいしい。なかなかイケる。おなか空いてるときはなんでもおいしいっていうけど、やっぱこのことだな。笑 興味のある方は試してみそ!また今度作ってみよう。ふーと一息ついてさてまた仕事開始だな、、、。ま〜やってることは大好きだからいいんだけどね。やっぱり私ってMなんだね 笑(あ、雷鳴ってる!!)
I haven't been pushed myself this far for a long time... Wake up at 6:30am, work overtime at work, and come back home and work late again till middle of the night everyday lately including weekend... Work hard, party hard.. that's what I wished I could say, but lately work hard.. and work hard..
And now it's raining, and I had to walk in rain after I got off from metro station. I felt nice.. but I was soaking wet. lol Urgh, I'm so tired.. I need some rest but I have to push myself more so then I can finish my project on time. When can I finally get a rest??? I know I'm complaining but I still like what I do though! :P
I just had a really good idea for dinner tonight though: Natto Sandwich! hehe. I wanted to have natto beans so badly tonight, but didn't have cooked rice.. So, I had bread instead. It wasn't bad at all! lol Anyone who has an interest, you should try it!
こんなに自分を体力の限界ってとこまでプッシュしたことが最近なかった近頃、本業、残業、そして家帰ってまた仕事、、、みたいな日々が最近続いてます(出かける時は出かけるんだけどね。へへ)。疲れたからちょっと横になろうかな、、、って思う時がたまにありますが、そんなことをしたら絶対に仕事終わらない!しかも期限近づいてるし!無理は禁物と分かってるけど、出来るところまで自分をプッシュしないと約束が守れない、、、。は〜、疲れた〜、おなかすいた〜〜。しかも仕事から帰ってきて地下鉄の駅降りたらざーざーと雨降ってるし!!ずぶぬれになりながら家に帰って食べたのが、この納豆サンド。納豆が超食べたかったけど、ご飯炊いてなくて、でも炊いてる暇ないし、、、と思ってささっと作ってみたら結構おいしい。なかなかイケる。おなか空いてるときはなんでもおいしいっていうけど、やっぱこのことだな。笑 興味のある方は試してみそ!また今度作ってみよう。ふーと一息ついてさてまた仕事開始だな、、、。ま〜やってることは大好きだからいいんだけどね。やっぱり私ってMなんだね 笑(あ、雷鳴ってる!!)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Kraak & Smaak "Plastic People" Tour @ Henry Fonda
(Vocalist: Rose)
Meg gave me a birthday gift of Kraak & Smaak show at Henry Fonda on Nov. 21st, Friday.
I love this band, and was waiting to see them since I got to know about them like 3 years ago.
But they were saying they were here last time 2 years ago... Where was I?? :(
Anyway, I finally got to see them and the show was awesome! The vibe, and the energy from the band was so great too (well, there was a creepy grandpa behind us fighting with another couple.. Meg told me she heard his saying "I'm gonna cut your throat!! Whaaat?? And bunch of teenagers next to us too excited and dancing lol)! Thanks to Meg!!
Their new album "Plastic People" came out this September, and I got it immediately. This time was more electronica than funk+electro, I think. I love the song "Plastic People" because of the beat.
My concert buddy, Meg and I's summery of the night was: to see bands we love in live is just awesome. We can not substitute with anything else!
私のコンサート仲間のめぐっぺが誕生日プレゼントとして「Kraak & Smaak」のコンサートに連れって行ってくれました!3年ぐらい前に知ってずーーっと行きたい!って思ってたから、超興奮!でもボーカルがショーの中で2年前に来たって言ってて、、、私どこにいたんだろう、、、。えーん。見逃してました。ま、それは良いとして、、、。横でティーンエイジャーが興奮しながらがんがん踊ってたり、後ろではおじーちゃんが後ろにいたカップルを「お前ののどをかっ切ってやる!」って脅してたり(理由は何だったんだろう、、)、結構バイオレントな人達がいたりなんかしてひやひやしましたが、私もめぐっぺも思い切り楽しんだ!
今年の9月に新アルバム「Plastic People」が出たと同時に即ゲットして、聴いたところ前回のアルバムも良かったけど、今回のもいい!今回のはもっとエレクトロニカしてる感じです。ファンクの要素も入ってなんか良い味だしてるじゃん!
このアルバムの中で一番好きな曲「Plastic People」がYoutubeに載ってたので、聴いてみてね。
めぐっぺと私のその晩の感想:いや〜〜、やっぱり生はいいね〜。(音楽は)生に限るよ!ビールのようにね!笑 (あ、めぐっぺはビール飲まないんだった、、、)
"Plastic People" LIVE (not at the Henry Fonda..)
"Squeeze Me"
Kraak & Smaak
Another vocalist
The whole clue of Kraak & Smaak: "Plastic People" tour.
Opening guy: Mike Relm.
His music was pretty cool too.
To kill a time, they had a photo booth so we played around.
I look funny in every single photo...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
My Birthday Week / 誕生日の週末♪ -Sunday-
I thought I would stay at home and work all day long. But I got an info from Jeff about Felt Club. I was like "oh hey, it's today!!" and I called Yas and Meg on the phone, and of course, they wanted to go! hehe
I've been to one in last year but this year was way bigger than last one. They got 150 booths to show their work at the Shrine Auditorium Expo Center, and believe me they were all artsy, creative, and cute!! I just couldn't resist some of them, and I got take them home. :) I really admire those creative people, and would like to support them. I wished I could be creative this much!
今週末最後、日曜日は家にこもって仕事、仕事、仕事、、、と思ってたのですが、えびちゃん情報で今日Felt Clubがあるというではないの!ということで、絶対にこういうのが好きなやすえちゃん、めぐっぺと一緒に行って来ました。(めぐっぺは先に行っちゃってたけどね、、、)去年よりブースが全然多くて、150件にも上ってました。もう全部かわいくて、クリエイティブで、ほしいーー!ってことになりそうでしたが、ほどほどに押さえることに成功。でもヘアピンが安くて結構買ってしまったよ、、。私もこんなクリエイティブになりたいわ〜。
This is the inside of Expo. There were not too many people in.
これがFelt Clubの中身。もっと混んでるかなと思いきや、そんなにでもなく、、、。
Earrings by Porterness
(Scroll down a bit to see their work)
Bobby Pins - Flower and Bird- by Sprout Studio
Too Cute!! サイトも超かわいい!こんなの私も作りたい!
Oh no! I lost their card... I can't remember who made these... :(
Another bobby pins by Starving Artist Bazaar
I love their items!
And this is the last not least.... This is way cute!
It's a Fawn family necklace by Figs & Ginger.
This jewelry is eco-friendly jewelry. I like the concept and love the design so I just had to get it.... well, you know it's my birthday week! So back up people!! :P
Win-Win is sooo cute! He is a son of my friend, Yas who went to Felt Club with.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My Birthday Week / 誕生日の週末♪
11-14-08 - 11-16-08
I celebrated my birthday casual this time at bars it's called "The Room" and "Beauty Bar". No dinner, No expensive bill! :) I just wanted to get together with people I love, and have a great time with drinks only! hehe.
Thank you so much for everyone who wished my birthday!! I had a really good time and I got more bless this time than ever! I wanted to get drunk this time like getting crazy and dance on the counter at the bar or something, but... it didn't happen... I was busy talking to everyone (which I had a lot of fun of course) and forgot to drink.. lol!
I put some pics of my birthday (which are not much though...) in Facebook. So check it out if you are connected with me at Facebook! :)
今回の誕生日はシンプルに仲良い友達とおいしいお酒を飲むだけにしました。以前はディナーパーティーとかしてたけど、やっぱり高くなっちゃうからね。飲むだけならプレッシャーなし!それにもっとたくさんの人に来てもらいたかったからね。今回はThe RoomとBeauty Barで楽しみました。
I started my Saturday with a nice lunch with my friend from work at her boyfriend's restaurant, Vivoli Cafe on Sunset Blvd. I love this place because the taste, and the portion. You can get to choose Appetizer size or Full meal size. I chose Appetizer size so then I can get to taste more dishes! I order Lasagna all Bolongnese, and Gnocchetti come a Sorrento (Gnocchi with Tomato sauce). M,m,mmm!! They are sooo Good! My friend ordered from a Branch menu. I believe it was a spinach saute with eggs on toast. It was soo yummy too!
土曜日は友達と一緒においしいイタリアンランチで始めました。ここ、Vivoli Cafeはめちゃくちゃおいしいと共に、お食事のサイズが選べちゃう。アペタイザーサイズとフルサイズ。私はアペタイザーサイズで2種類ぐらいパスタを選びました。そうするとたくさん味わえるからね!お得です。今回はミートソースラザニアとトマトソースのニョッキ。超超!おいしかった!友達はほうれん草のソテーとたまごがのったサンドを食べてました。どれもめっちゃおいしかったよww
Vivoli Cafe
7994 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood CA
Tiramissu!! This is really good Tiramissu!
And Saturday night, Meg and I went to Graficomovil Release Party. We were expecting kind of bigger party than this... but it was fun. We saw print making process of Artemio Rodriguez, and got to talk to him and taken a picture with him. This whole party purpose was raising the fund for Graficomovil which means Graphic Art on Truck, I suppose. Since I saw his art at the Art Walk a couple weeks ago, I wanted to see more his work. I love his style like the print of Maria below.
土曜日の夜はめぐっぺとGraficomovilリリースパーティへ。2週間ぐらい前にガブリエルちゃん、まき+たけ組と一緒にダウンタウンのArt Walkへ行った時に見かけたトラックなのですが、グラフィックアートがトラック中にびっしり!私はこういうの大好きです。初めてアートを買いたい!と 思ったほどです。もちろんこのトラックではありませんが、この横のマリアのプリントのようなアート。そんなに安いものじゃないけど、ちょっとお金貯めてみようかな。
Graficomovil website >>
About Artemio Rodriguez>>
This is the detail of truck. When you get closer, you will be surprised how detail that is. And you will find some cute animals here and there. :)
With Artemio Rodriguez. He was super nice and got pretty eyes!
I got his work with his autograph! :)
We didn't expect this to be done Saturday night so early (we left the party like within an hour...) so we decided to drive around in Echo Park. We found a couple parties and vintage shops open so we stopped by, and we found...
Stinkers Bar in Silverlake!! This is a Skunk-theme bar. I thought it was a cool funny theme bar, and Meg and I decided to stick around for a couple hours.
このリリースパーティーがこんなにも早く終わるだなんて計画していなかっためぐっぺと私はこの後、エコーパークをぐるりとドライブ。On Sunsetで2つぐらいパーティを見つけて、立ち寄ってみることに。その後、なんとスカンクがテーマのバーを発見!お友達のまきこちゃんのブログに書いてあったとめぐっぺが言うので面白うそうだと思って立ち寄ってみました。
Every an hour, those Skunks from the wall will start farting! Everyone watch out!! lol! No... it was just dry ice. hehe
It's really cool that there are full of beer cans on the wall too!
This is the sign on Sunset Blvd!
2939 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(323) 661-6007
Thanks, Meg to hang out with me and for fun London + 60s talk!!
My birthday week... to be continued...
I celebrated my birthday casual this time at bars it's called "The Room" and "Beauty Bar". No dinner, No expensive bill! :) I just wanted to get together with people I love, and have a great time with drinks only! hehe.
Thank you so much for everyone who wished my birthday!! I had a really good time and I got more bless this time than ever! I wanted to get drunk this time like getting crazy and dance on the counter at the bar or something, but... it didn't happen... I was busy talking to everyone (which I had a lot of fun of course) and forgot to drink.. lol!
I put some pics of my birthday (which are not much though...) in Facebook. So check it out if you are connected with me at Facebook! :)
今回の誕生日はシンプルに仲良い友達とおいしいお酒を飲むだけにしました。以前はディナーパーティーとかしてたけど、やっぱり高くなっちゃうからね。飲むだけならプレッシャーなし!それにもっとたくさんの人に来てもらいたかったからね。今回はThe RoomとBeauty Barで楽しみました。
I started my Saturday with a nice lunch with my friend from work at her boyfriend's restaurant, Vivoli Cafe on Sunset Blvd. I love this place because the taste, and the portion. You can get to choose Appetizer size or Full meal size. I chose Appetizer size so then I can get to taste more dishes! I order Lasagna all Bolongnese, and Gnocchetti come a Sorrento (Gnocchi with Tomato sauce). M,m,mmm!! They are sooo Good! My friend ordered from a Branch menu. I believe it was a spinach saute with eggs on toast. It was soo yummy too!
土曜日は友達と一緒においしいイタリアンランチで始めました。ここ、Vivoli Cafeはめちゃくちゃおいしいと共に、お食事のサイズが選べちゃう。アペタイザーサイズとフルサイズ。私はアペタイザーサイズで2種類ぐらいパスタを選びました。そうするとたくさん味わえるからね!お得です。今回はミートソースラザニアとトマトソースのニョッキ。超超!おいしかった!友達はほうれん草のソテーとたまごがのったサンドを食べてました。どれもめっちゃおいしかったよww
Vivoli Cafe
7994 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood CA
Tiramissu!! This is really good Tiramissu!
And Saturday night, Meg and I went to Graficomovil Release Party. We were expecting kind of bigger party than this... but it was fun. We saw print making process of Artemio Rodriguez, and got to talk to him and taken a picture with him. This whole party purpose was raising the fund for Graficomovil which means Graphic Art on Truck, I suppose. Since I saw his art at the Art Walk a couple weeks ago, I wanted to see more his work. I love his style like the print of Maria below.
土曜日の夜はめぐっぺとGraficomovilリリースパーティへ。2週間ぐらい前にガブリエルちゃん、まき+たけ組と一緒にダウンタウンのArt Walkへ行った時に見かけたトラックなのですが、グラフィックアートがトラック中にびっしり!私はこういうの大好きです。初めてアートを買いたい!と 思ったほどです。もちろんこのトラックではありませんが、この横のマリアのプリントのようなアート。そんなに安いものじゃないけど、ちょっとお金貯めてみようかな。
Graficomovil website >>
About Artemio Rodriguez>>
This is the detail of truck. When you get closer, you will be surprised how detail that is. And you will find some cute animals here and there. :)
With Artemio Rodriguez. He was super nice and got pretty eyes!
I got his work with his autograph! :)
We didn't expect this to be done Saturday night so early (we left the party like within an hour...) so we decided to drive around in Echo Park. We found a couple parties and vintage shops open so we stopped by, and we found...
Stinkers Bar in Silverlake!! This is a Skunk-theme bar. I thought it was a cool funny theme bar, and Meg and I decided to stick around for a couple hours.
このリリースパーティーがこんなにも早く終わるだなんて計画していなかっためぐっぺと私はこの後、エコーパークをぐるりとドライブ。On Sunsetで2つぐらいパーティを見つけて、立ち寄ってみることに。その後、なんとスカンクがテーマのバーを発見!お友達のまきこちゃんのブログに書いてあったとめぐっぺが言うので面白うそうだと思って立ち寄ってみました。
Every an hour, those Skunks from the wall will start farting! Everyone watch out!! lol! No... it was just dry ice. hehe
It's really cool that there are full of beer cans on the wall too!
This is the sign on Sunset Blvd!
2939 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(323) 661-6007
Thanks, Meg to hang out with me and for fun London + 60s talk!!
My birthday week... to be continued...
Bar Info,
Echo Park,
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