I thought summer was coming soon... but the weather in Los Angeles is not really like usual summer this time. Every morning is so gloomy so far. And at night is kind a chilly too.
Where are you summer?
Well, we can only do so much to make the climate better but you can always "try to" feel summer by music. ;) (I read some articles California is trying vanish plastic bags from grocery stores in next year or 2012)
This band, The Drums from Brooklyn, New York lets you feel so summer. A little of bit of 60s, and surfer type of music and I love it. They got a little bit of Madchester type of taste as well that is why I love the most (Madchester: wiki). Madchester era was the most influential music era for all time for me. I was already into European/American music since I was in Junior High School, and I was in to Madchester music so much when I was around 18 or19. One girl that I was hanging out often at the time showed me different type of music back then, and that still remains in me.
They are touring in Europe at this moment, and going to Japan too.
When are they gonna come out to Los Angeles??
夏…まだですかね…もう6月の中旬なのにまだ寒い。朝は曇ってて、ジャケットはいるし、夜も肌寒い。全然夏らしくない!! 個人的には涼しい方が好きですけどでもやっぱり季節は季節らしくしてもらうのが…。寂しいなぁ。これもまた温暖化のせいですね…。カリフォルニア州はスーパーなどからビニール袋の存在を消そうと来年か2012年あたりから実施するそうですよ。いいぞ!イケイケ!!
ということで…音楽だけでも夏らしくいきましょか。最近発見した音楽でThe Drums、これ夏っぽいと思いました。どことなく60s、サーフィン系を思い出す音、はたまた90年代初期にブレイクしたMadchester時代(WIKI) の音も入っててかなり気に入ってます。私が18,19だった頃仲良くしてたあるお友達に影響されてMadchester(Stone Roses, Happy Mondays, Primal Scream など)系音楽を聴き始めたんですがぞっこんだったこと思い出します。今でもMadchester大好き!! (って何か前にも書いた気がする…) まぁ、そんな要素、The Drumsに入ってるんです。
結構人気が出てきてるThe Drums、今ヨーロッパをツアー中らしいです。
The Drums-Submarine This is my favorite. 私の一番のお気に入り曲
The Drums - Best Friend
The Drums - I Felt Stupid (Official)
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The Drums
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